Reliving the 70s One Catalog Page at a Time
Solid Gold Lamme
When I rule the world and according to my schedule that will be soon, Gold Lamme sashes will not be...
Frankenstein: 1979
Adam submitted ANOTHER great shot of him at Universal Studios circa 1979. Thank you Adam! I don̵...
PodStallions #15: Rod Serling
This month’s show is a celebration of Television icon Rod Serling and is exploration of his ca...
Lunch Lady Chic
The only thing on the menu today is sexiness. And french bread pizza....
Tarzan in the Valley of the Dinosaurs
Given my unhealthy obsession for all things Tarzan combined with my love of Rack Toys, it should be...
The McHappersons
Welcome to your double date from hell, they met at an improv class BTW....
The Six Greatest Bionic Man Knock Off Toys
I gave up writing a weekly list for Topless Robot, in order to finish writing Rack Toys. I will admi...
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