Dungeons and Dragons VS Dark Tower

Which was better for Milton Bradley’s The Dark Tower or Mattel’s Electronic Dungeons and Dragons? I’m sincerely asking because I’ve never played either. Not for lack of trying, mind you. I was ten when the fantasy craze started in the early 1980s, and I got swept up in it. I tried to play Dungeons and […]

Toy-Ventures: Big Jim Kung Fu Studio

Toy-Ventures: Big Jim Kung Fu Studio New to the channel? Subscribe! â–ºhttps://bit.ly/3D3zxJK Everybody’s Kung Fu fighting on this week’s Toy-Ventures with an in-depth look at the Mattel Big Jim Kung Fu Studio playset. We also discuss the Martial Arts craze that inspired this iconic 70s toy. Toy-Ventures Magazine is now available for subscription: https://www.plaidstallions.com/reboot/shop Pod […]

1976 Mattel Sunshine Family Catalog

I’ve been quite open about the fact that the Mattel Sunshine Family dolls kind of freaked me out as a kid, it’s the blank eyes, sedate expression and well, even their name sounds like a Grindhouse horror movie. The Sunshine Family was devised in the mid-seventies by Mattel and seems to be grown-up hippies now […]

1979 Italian Mattel Shogun Warriors Catalog

Mattel sold the popular Shogun Warriors brand around the world and in Italy in 1979, it was simply known as “Shogun”. The popular line even had the foresight to introduce cartoon characters popular in Italy at the time.. Goldrake was sold in Italy and in France (where he was called Goldorak) because the show played […]

197 Children’s Palace Catalog- Mego-Big Jim-Barbie-Sesame Street

Planet of the Apes was a new hot ticket item for 70s wunderkind Mego who also produced the World’s Greatest Superheroes around the same time. Big Jim was Mattel’s answer to G.I. Joe and Dinah-Mite was Mego’s stab at Barbie, who was the original. Child Guidance was one of the bigger players in Sesame Street merchandise, […]