Reliving the 70s One Catalog Page at a Time
Kringle Krap Again!
“Yeah Billy beat the crap Santa, now let’s eat his guts!” Not to poop on someone...
Kringle Krap Part One
This vintage giftwrap represents the dilemma of doing a piece on Christmas items. Christmas has alwa...
Starting Tomorrow: Kringle Krap!
Just in time for the holidays, Plaidstallions will present a tribute to all those itchy sweaters, fr...
Found a Magic Horn, A new car was born
Holy Mother Jumpin’ Crud, they made a Wonderbug Peddle car! I am beyond infatuated with this p...
Return of the Son of ManMates!
More splendid numbers from the Man-Mates selection, nothing beats a little festive green polyester f...
Got any coke?
One can only assume that Disco became uncool after appearing in this catalogHave a great weekend!...
Lego Kingdoms
Pretty primitive compared to the Harry Potter Horwart’s castle my nephew has but easily as cha...
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