Reliving the 70s One Catalog Page at a Time
Kenner’s The Tramp
I found this image in an early 70s Kenner catalog, at one point they were trying to market Charlie C...
Relationship check
Take all the mystery out of the “Are you two together?” question, make sure everyone in...
Spider-Man busts a cap
Whalloping websnappers, ol’ Doc Ock is in for rough time tonight. It’s amazing to think...
Star Wars 3 pack
Another addition to my ever growing obsession of Whitman poly bagged three pack comics, th...
Colouring Book Theater: Dune (Part 2)
It’s been entirely too long since I did an entry for Colouring Book Theater (coincidentally, i...
The Top Ten cancelled toys of the 70s/80s
As much as I enjoyed my childhood, it sometimes pains me to think of the stuff we didn’t get,...
What me plugging?
I’m very proud to announce that the latest issue of Mad Magazine features a l’il blurb a...
Col. Kentucky and Julius Lovechild
Funk meets Country all this week at the airport Ramada Inn…...
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