
Toy-Ventures: Antique Mall Toy Hunt!

New to the channel? Subscribe! ► Aw yeah, as summer winds to a close we do another toy hunt at local antique malls and flea markets searching for treasure. It’s a real overload of nostaligic items from the 1960s to the 1990s and of course, we manage to find some really awesome items. Check Out […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week. Join me on an eclectic adventure of window shopping.   EBAY LINK A glass painting of Drunk E.T.– The mind boggles as to why this was made, I need to know why this was made, it’s keeping me up. The description gives no back story but thank heaven, […]

Toy-Ventures: Toy Hunt with me!

In this week’s episode of Toy-Ventures, I ask you to Toy Hunt with me as I take a tour of some antique malls and toy stores on my monthly road trip. In this episode I visit three different places on my journey: The One of a Kind Antique Mall (Woodstock, ON) Southworks Antique Mall (Cambridge, […]

Toy-Ventures: Combat Joe Godzilla set by Takara

Monster Month continues with a look at this classic set from 1980s Japan, where GI Joe got his own Godzilla suit. We talk about the history of Combat Joe, Henshin Cyborg, and the various attempts to recreate this fantastic Godzilla toy. Issue 1 of Toy-Ventures magazine is available here: Mego Knock Off HQ Facebook […]

GI Joe Adventure Team Explores the World

  These GI Joe Wishbook spreads are some of my earliest memories, my mother even tells me that an overnight hospital stay once was made less traumatic by handing me a Christmas wishbook that was in her car. No wonder that I smile every time I see one of these double-page spreads…

Toy-Ventures: Top Ten 1980s Peg Warmers

This is our follow up to our 70s peg warmers list. The 1980s were an incredible time for action figures, an era we'll never see again but like anything, some items didn't really sell. Let's count down some toys that hung around. This list is meant in jest and not to be taken seriously. Tell [...]

1969 Toys R Us Flier

Here’s another wonderful Toy Newspaper Circular from the good people at Toys R Us, this time it’s from this weekend 41 years ago (ok I timed that part). A lot of people don’t know that Toys R Us was around in the 1960s but it’s hard to deny this kind of evidence. It’s a cool […]

Toy-Ventures: Mike Power Atomic Man

This week is all about one of my favourite childhood friends, the amazing Mike Power : Atomic Man from the GI Joe Adventure Team. We talk about his origins, foreign incarnations, accessories and his sales.  Special thanks to Chris at Hosted and edited by Brian Heiler (@plaidstallions) PlaidStallions Facebook Page Plaidstallions facebook group […]