
70s Ourways Studios Catalog- Superheroes!

  Ourways Studios produced some of the wildest superhero merch in the 70’s, best known for their awesome stickers and decals their product features art by some of the true greats like Neal Adams and John Romita. There was something so incredibly cool about a time when a company could have both the Marvel and […]

1977 REMCO Toys Catalog

Remco’s name was purchased in 1974 by Azrak Hamway, a successful manufacturer of rack toys. AHI used the Remco brand to sell a more upscale toy but one that still utilized the many licenses integral to their business. 1977 saw the introduction of Mickey Mouse to the fold and more Superhero related products which would […]

PlaidStallions Book Reviews and a Contest

  A couple of fantastic publications have crossed my path recently that really brought me some joy, considering the year we’re having, I figured I should share. The Wonderful World of Wax Wrappers By Jason Young I love books about collectibles and I’m especially drawn to ones that are stuff I remember fondly but don’t […]

Empire Batman Cycle

The free mask is problematic, people are just going to call you “Robin” and you’ll spend your crime-fighting time correcting them.   Limited Edition Gift Sets Available Now! Rather than crowd fund the next issue of the magazine, I thought I’d whip up these gift sets full of merch we’ve created in the past. Just […]

Pod Stallions 71: Summer of 1989

We’re back with an all-new episode and what better time to wax nostalgic about the summer of 1989 than the 30th anniversary (sigh) of the release of Tim Burton’s “Batman”. We get into the Superhero event of the summer along with the “other” comic book movie that season, delve into Star Trek V, Do the […]

Superhero AM Radios

What was your AM Radio as a kid? Mine was “Little Sprout” from the “Green Giant” commercials, I assume my mother won it. It was pretty cool but my older sibling had an FM radio in her room, so i mainly just kept my door open so I could hear Black Sabbath.   New Six Million […]

Movember Batman

Just When I thought the very talented Tim Baron (Any child of the 1970s/80s will want to check out his creations here) could surprise me no further, he pulls out the funniest Mall Appearance photo I’ve seen in years.  Seriously, whose older brother is playing Batman here?  Also,  I know it’s a pen but I […]

Toy-Ventures 11- Box of Mego Knock Offs

This week’s installment of Toy Ventures is a bit of a departure as I just got a big box of weird Mego Knock off items and I decided to share it with you while i “unbox”.  We talk about various Mego and Captain Action related knock offs i’ve found over the years and well, some […]