
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

Planet of the Apes Prison Wagon- (eBay Link)– I’ve probably featured this toy before but who cares? It’s definitely one of my favourite Apes toys ever. I just love the little astronaut THIS MUCH.  The seller also has the classic Planet of the Apes Helicopter and a bunch of other stuff I need. Iron Man […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

Star Trek KO Spaceship Mobile (eBay Link) – Nothing like the 3 Nacelle Knock-Off Enterprise as room decor. I totally want this, but I’m tall and something of lummox so I would run into it, a great deal.   Wind-Up Commander Koenig (eBay Link) – Space:1999 was one of the properties that got me into […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Plaidstallions

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Plaidstallions McDonald’s Captain Crook Promotional Hats (eBay Link) – I’ve never in my life had a “Fillet O’Fish” sandwich, and that ain’t changing (allergic), but if they were handing these out in the 1970s? I’d have pushed people down to get one. I liked freebies a whole bunch. […]

Toy-Ventures: The Shadow Toys (Bonus Toy Show)

The Shadow Toys- Toy-Ventures Toy-Ventures celebrates its 150th-ish episode talking about 70s merchandise based on the Shadow, a radio legend. We explore the origins of the Shadow character, and talk about the odd merchandising blitz of the late 70s. Later on, then visit a local toy show! I show the stuff that will haunt me […]

Presenting the Lincoln Monsters Collectible Pins

Presenting the Lincoln International Monsters Collectible Pins by Toy-Ventures Collectibles. The Lincoln International Monsters are one of my favourite childhood memories, and I always want to find ways to work with them. I designed each pin based on the original packaging art I’m utterly infatuated with. The idea came because I wanted to make a […]

70s Superhero toys in Japanese Starlog – Mego, Remco, AHI and More!

I recently stumbled across this fantastic issue of Japanese Starlog, which was a lot like the US version, except its graphic design was way more exciting. This particular issue has a feature on all the imported Superhero toys from the US you can buy. So the best way to describe it is like a Heroes […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

The Most Incredible Van in the world (eBay Link) My friend Steve sent me this mainly because it looks like the real-world version of Brick Mantooth’s Van-Tooth. It’s always been my dream to live in a cool van of this nature. Not sure about the nekkid lady mural but I’ll cross that bridge after I […]

Pod Stallions Shorts: Dear Santa

We here at Pod Stallions H.Q. haven’t fully given up on the notion of Santa, or some similarly benevolent but less popular entity, taking requests for the Big Day. So in ultra-modern fashion, we’re broadcasting our Wish Lists rather than risking the letters getting lost in the holiday shuffle. Who knows, maybe someone’s listening and […]