
Toy-Ventures: Kojak Toys

Toy-Ventures: Kojak Toys Who loves you, baby? Toy-Ventures this week looks at all the toys based on the TV show Kojak. Exactly why was there so much merchandise based on a tv show about a middle-aged detective that dealt with pimps? We get into that and talk about Power Records, Corgi toys and of course, […]

Toy-Ventures: Weird Knock-Offs Unboxing!

Toy-Ventures: Weird Knock-Offs Unboxing! Toy-Ventures is back with another unboxing of weird knock-off action figures just in time for our upcoming book! This week we face Tuff guys, Weird Astronauts/Fire Men and the weirdest Justice League ever. Unbox with me!   Watch Toy Shop on Tour Here:   Our magazine Toy-Ventures is available to […]

Toy-Ventures: Top Ten Mego Knock-Offs

This week we look at the fun and interesting toy lines put out to catch some sales heat from the popular Mego Superheroes line of toys from Kooky Aliens to Biblical Heroes to some just plain blatant copyright infringement, it’s a fun ride. Get Toy-Ventures Magazine here: PlaidStallions Toy-Ventures Issue One (September 2020) Tell us […]

1978 Fisher Price Muppet Show Catalog

The Muppet Show was as much an ingredient to a happy 70s childhood as orange kitchens and pop rocks were. The UK Produced syndicated series was a complete smash and not surprisingly oodles of merchandise followed. Toymaker Fisher-Price already knew the value of a Muppet, having produced Sesame Street items since the early 1970s released […]

Toy-Ventures: 80s toy find!

   My friend dropped off a box of his childhood toys, so let’s take a look through this awesome time capsule of childhood friends! PlaidStallions Toy-Ventures Magazine #2 is now available and it’s been called “not only an entertaining read, but it’s also an impeccable work of reference” by PopCult. FACEBOOK GROUPS FROM PLAIDSTALLIONS […]

Rare Battlestar Galactica toy in CD Catalog (Plus Mego Micronauts)

I recently acquired the 1979 Consumer’s Distributing catalog, a Canadian chain, Consumers was one of those stores where you filled out a slip of paper (I tended to use fake names), it went down one of those cool tubes and then 20 minutes later your purchase rolled up a conveyer belt (or a substitution item, […]

Toy-Ventures 26: Infra-Man

This week we look at the merchandise made for the incredible 1975 Shaw Brothers masterpiece “Infra-Man” and talk about how we deserve way more than what is out there. Subscribe to our channel for weekly Toy-Ventures:

Toy-Ventures: Kamen Rider Mystery Figure

Bit of a departure this week as I’m talking about a figure I literally don’t know anything about. This mysterious figure is from Portugal, appears to have been made in the late 1970s and is clearly based on the Kamen Rider tv series from Japan. The big question is why? Why make a very nice […]