Reliving the 70s One Catalog Page at a Time
Sweathog Swag
Sitcom merchandising is always a curious thing when it goes beyond the obvious catch phrase T shirt...
Poor Man’s Travolta
Is “All dressed up for your Saturday Night up beat” really a sentence? Two years earlier...
The League of Ugly Shirted Gentlemen Rides Again!
The skin tight polyester wonders return!
Somebody buy me this……
Found this surfing ebay tonight, if someone buys it for me, I promise to wear it to work with a webc...
I wanna be a wookie
These Star Wars Playsuits are head and shoulders above the Ben Cooper Darth Vader suit I wore in ...
Sleep Well, You Will, Young Jedi.
Ahhhhhh, Star Wars bedding. I’m not sure I ever had the the sheets to any of these but my mom...
Use the Clutch Luke……
Relive the famous Death Star dogfight over and over again as Luke and Vader go around in circles! Yo...
One of each Please…….
I wanted to start the week with this favourite of mine but couldn’t find it in the unorganized mes...
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