Reliving the 70s One Catalog Page at a Time
SLIME: No Redeeming Social Merit But it Sells
August 5 1977– Slime is not a B film playing second bill to “Sheba, the Slug Queen”...
Colouring Book Theatre: Benji
It’s time to bring the pain again with this gem from 1978. Benji as most 70’s kids know...
Have Your Picture taken Free With Spider-Man
Don’t show up at Dooley’s on the 27th, you’re 34 years late. Were you one of the l...
Kenner’s Duke
Before becoming a true 70’s juggernaut with licensed lines like “Star Wars” and th...
Gimme a Diablo Sammich and a Doctor Pepper to Go
Occasionally when I’m trolling through my smelly books (Catalogs always smell “Basementy...
What time is it?
Why, it’s half past hideous! I think the stand out, greatest pieces are those cats, if I could...
Toy Deals at Masons
Never heard of this chain but I’d like to fill a cart with Aurora Comic Scenes kits, please....
The Greatest Appliance Ever
“The Baconer” was like a toaster but instead of rotten ol’ bread, it cooked someth...
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