
1979 Kingsford Star Force Catalog

Following the blitz of Star Wars, a lot of previously unknown companies began cashing in on what the toy industry called the “Sci-Fi craze” of the late 70s. These toys were often lower-priced generic toys that likely offered better margins for the toy retailer. Kingsford’s line of Star Force toys is one of those lines […]

Rare Battlestar Galactica toy in CD Catalog (Plus Mego Micronauts)

I recently acquired the 1979 Consumer’s Distributing catalog, a Canadian chain, Consumers was one of those stores where you filled out a slip of paper (I tended to use fake names), it went down one of those cool tubes and then 20 minutes later your purchase rolled up a conveyer belt (or a substitution item, […]

Did anyone get a Gold Cylon Mailer?

My friend John sent me an email the other day asking me about this, one of his “holy grails”. He claims he sent away for this as a kid but a got a Hot Wheels car and an apology. Since then he’s been looking for one in the mailer box to fill that void (i […]

Bike Radio Decisions

Bee Gees or Battlestar Galactica? Ooooooooh i can’t decide, why must life be so hard? We have a PodCast! It’s fun, please listen. Check out our Instagram for more stuff like this blog. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

Space-Age Spaceware

I’m loving this article from a 1979 issue of Starlog highlighting some of the cooler space age toys coming out that year. The only bummer to this is that two foot Galactica never made it to market but seriously should have…. Like our Facebook Page Check out our Instagram Get the expanded digital edition of […]

The Great Sci-Fi Toy Slump of 1979

It’s really hard to believe but in 1979, Star Wars and other Sci-Fi related toys hit a major slump. So much so that many retailers considered it all a “fad” and stopped ordering new items. This article taken from a “Toys, Hobbies and Crafts” magazine interviews major buyers and the vice president of Mego about the […]

Mattel Battlestar Galactica Action Figure Commercial

Happy Friday! Here is another commercial transfer, this it the original Mattel Battlestar Galactica Action Figure commercial from 1979, a new transfer of the original reel.  It’s kind of ironic that this features mainly the ‘peg warming” characters like Imperious leader, Ovion and Daggit. Also, why does Starbuck talk like a robot? follow us on […]

Happy Friday, here is another one from the recently digitized archive, this is the revised for the Mattel Battlestar Galactica toy line that clearly states the missiles no longer fire. We all know why…. More frakking cool toys:

Superheroes and Sci-Fi

One section of any wish book that I love is the “other” action figure pages in the era of Star Wars. There is a lot of great stuff on this page! While my time with the Mego Superheroes decreased sharply in 1979, I still viewed them like old friends. I still kinda do….