
Toy-Ventures 11- Box of Mego Knock Offs

This week’s installment of Toy Ventures is a bit of a departure as I just got a big box of weird Mego Knock off items and I decided to share it with you while i “unbox”.  We talk about various Mego and Captain Action related knock offs i’ve found over the years and well, some […]

Toy-Ventures 10: Slade Super Agent from Shindana Toys

This week’s installment of Toy Ventures is all about one of the coolest action figures of the 1970s, Slade: Super Agent by Shindana.  We talk about Slade but also a little bit about the company that was Shindana toys and how they changed the landscape for the better.   Visit us online at   Twitter: @plaidstallions  […]

Toy-Ventures 8: The Martian Chronicles

This week’s installment of Toy-Ventures is all about the action figures produced by Larami for the 1980 TV mini-series “The Martian Chronicles”, just how does a mini-series get an action figure line the first place? We’ll try to explain.  You can check out our gallery of Martian Chronicles Toys Here.  Visit us online at  […]

Did anyone get a Gold Cylon Mailer?

My friend John sent me an email the other day asking me about this, one of his “holy grails”. He claims he sent away for this as a kid but a got a Hot Wheels car and an apology. Since then he’s been looking for one in the mailer box to fill that void (i […]

Toy-Ventures 6: Star Blazers toys by Nomura

This week’s installment of Toy-Ventures is all about the amazing action figure line based on the Television series we knew as “Star Blazers”.  I get into my personal love of this series and why this is the toyline I wish I could have had as a kid.   Visit us online at   Twitter: @plaidstallions New […]

Toy-Ventures 3- The Sonic Man and Sonic Woman by Tomland

 This week’s episode examines the Tomland toys Sonic Man and Sonic, who look suspiciously like a certain Bionic Couple we all know and love. We also delve into Tomland’s history of ripping off some of the 1970s most popular tv and movie properties.   You can see more Tomland toy merchandise at this site:  Visit […]

It’s Charlie’s Angels!

Only in the 1970s were “crimefighting” and “Skateboarding” put together logically. New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store! Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

Sweathogs Classroom

I wish more records were included with playsets, I think it adds a neat quality.  New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store! Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

ERTL Star Trek 3 Klingon Prototype Found!

I’ve talked about the ERTL Star Trek 3 figures before and I especially love this press photo of the handmade mockups. While the Kirk, Spock and Scottie are obviously repainted Mego The Motion Picture figures, I always wondered what the Klingon figure was.  Well, today I got that answer, more after the jump: Recently I […]