
Toy-Ventures: Lincoln International Monsters

Toy-Ventures is participating in Bleak Sunday and we’re doing a special episode dedicated to my favourite Monster Toys of all time, the Lincoln International Monster dolls. This episode is a comprehensive look at the Lincoln Monsters including the company’s history, the different waves and variations of not only the Monster figures but the packaging, my […]

Toy-Ventures: Antique Mall Toy Hunt!

New to the channel? Subscribe! ► Aw yeah, as summer winds to a close we do another toy hunt at local antique malls and flea markets searching for treasure. It’s a real overload of nostaligic items from the 1960s to the 1990s and of course, we manage to find some really awesome items. Check Out […]

Toy-Ventures: My 10 Favourite Rack Toys

 New to the channel? Subscribe! ► Toy-Ventures: My 10 Favourite Rack Toys To celebrate the second printing of my book “Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings” (Coming September 10th) I’m going to do a count down of my absolute favourite dime store toys. From screen accurate Space:1999 stun guns to a pistol-packing Spider-Man, it’s a […]

Kenner Duke the Super Action Dog 1975 Catalog – Plaid Stallions

Kenner Duke the Super Action Dog Catalog Before becoming a true 70’s juggernaut with lines like “Star Wars” and the “Six Million Dollar Man”, Kenner was more experimental with their action figure branding, often creating fun generic lines such as Steve Scout and Duke The Super ActionDog. Duke was a German shepherd (the go-to dog […]

1975 Kenner Hugo-Man of a Thousand Faces Catalog- Plaid Stallions

  Toy-Ventures Issue 4 is available now: Ebay: MM Store: Amazon: FACEBOOK GROUPS FROM PLAIDSTALLIONS Pod Stallions is one of the most fun groups on Facebook. Mego Knock Off Headquarters– The leading group discussing 70s dimestore goodness, we talk vintage toys, not other