Toy-Ventures: Big Scores @Toy Expo

  Toy-Ventures Returns from a fun day at this past weekend’s Mississauga Toy Expo and man, was it full of surprises, including a super cool score!   Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like to support us, please check out the latest issue: […]

Toy-Ventures: Rare Vintage Toys at SDCC!

Toy-Ventures: Rare Vintage Toys at SDCC! Toy-Ventures returns from #sdcc2024 with an after-hours look at some incredibly rare and expensive vintage toys available at the summer’s biggest fan event.   Mego Meet 2024 is August 17-18 in conjunction with Zolo-Con! Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy […]

Mego Marvel Team-Up at the Mall. Spider-Man & Giant Acroyear

I was so excited to stumble upon this ad for Korvettes from 1978 featuring a Mego Superhero and Micronaut Mall Appearance. Mego famously did promotional tours with the Marvel Superheroes, Planet of the Apes characters, Action Jackson and even the cast of Star Trek. However, they also created this amazing costume of the Giant Acroyear […]

Toy-Ventures: Awesome Vintage Toy Hunt

Toy-Ventures: Awesome Vintage Toy Hunt Toy-Ventures returns with a super fan recap of an Awesome Vintage Toy Hunt at an Antique Mall and then a toy show. I see some incredible things and go home with a surprisingly cool vintage toy. Get Toy-Ventures Magazine here: #toyventures #godzilla #mego #mightycrusaders #remco #antiquemallfinds #toyshow #80stoys   […]

Vintage Mego: Baron Karza and the Magnetic Micronauts

Baron Karza and Force Commander are the yin and yang of the Mego Micronauts toy line, and in this episode, we explain the toy’s anime origins and the many twists and turns it’s had in revivals and spin-offs. #mego #micronauts #microman #takara_tomy Do you miss toy collector magazines? That’s why we created Toy-Ventures magazine, an […]

Rare Battlestar Galactica toy in CD Catalog (Plus Mego Micronauts)

I recently acquired the 1979 Consumer’s Distributing catalog, a Canadian chain, Consumers was one of those stores where you filled out a slip of paper (I tended to use fake names), it went down one of those cool tubes and then 20 minutes later your purchase rolled up a conveyer belt (or a substitution item, […]

A Micronauts Christmas

Christmas of 1979 was ALL ABOUT those Micronaut Aliens for me, it remains one of my happiest Christmas gets. Did anything on this page make it under the tree for you? PlaidStallions Toy-Ventures Issue 2 is now available for pre-order.   Limited Edition Gift Sets Available Now! Rather than crowdfund the next issue of […]

Micronaut Alien Encounter!

So this weekend on twitter, a fella named Jason (follow him on Twitter) reached out and blew my mind with this shot of him with Membros and Repto from the Mego Microanuts line. This shot was taken at Macy’s in 1979 and I had no idea this was a thing. The Micronaut Aliens were a […]