
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Spider-Balls, Fat Bats, Super Friends, M*A*S*H and Black Velvet E.T.! Disclaimer 1) These links are sponsored Disclaimer 2) My dad worked the night shift so we have to be quiet. Amsco Spider-Man Ball (sponsored link) Amsco put out FaceBalls in the mid-7os and did a bunch of characters, […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Super Babies, Space Sentinels, Sesame Street, Baron Karza’s dad & the rules of McDonald Land. Amsco Super Babies (eBay Sponsored Link)— As a kid I thought these were the worst thing ever, I really detested “Baby stuff” and well, these had Baby in the title. I’ve softened on […]

Amsco Planet of the Apes Adventure Set

Amsco famously made these killer adventure sets for properties like Space:1999,  The Walton’s and most famously Marvel Superheroes. I was gifted this Planet of the Apes set a couple of years ago but never put it together, so in honour of Apes week, I sat on my office floor and did just that. You know […]

Super Babies!

The Amsco Super Babies never warmed to me as a superhero loving kindergartener, I was well into Mego action figures by this point and Shazam’s inaccurate red hair bugged me even then. As an adult, I think they’re one of the most charming bits of 70s Superhero merch.  I’m pleased top announce that things have almost […]

Amsco Marvel World

The Amsco Marvel World Playset is one of the most wonderful pieces of Superhero merch from the 1970s. An expensive collectible now, I think the major reason for it’s appeal is it was comic accurate in an era when it has no business being so. Seriously, Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum?

1975 Amsco Toy Catalog

Amsco was a division of Milton Bradley and during their tenure they made some really fun creative and memorable toys. 1975’s roster included Sesame Street, Classic Monsters, Planet of the Apes and even the Waltons in some unique items. Check out the 1975 Amsco Toy Catalog here.

More V figures from South America

My buddy Dana has uncovered more variants to the V figure that I showed here in April. Whoever made these, they created a lot of different variations and I especially love the one that looks like Diana in the middle.  Knock offs, just when I think I can’t love you more….  

Space:1999 Eagle put-up Play-in

This is one of the coolest things I’ve shown in a while, a kid sized Eagle one. Also, unlike a lot of the stuff I show here, this actually got made! Thirsty for more Space:1999 Toys? check out these links for the 1976 and 1977 Mattel Toys Catalogs… . .

The Top Ten Coolest 70s Marvel Comics Toys

The 1970s was an absolute windfall of Marvel comics merchandise, the house of ideas sold out and we were better off for it. By 1976, the Marvel comics license was shared with dozens of toy manufacturers all vying for our parents hard earned money.  Here are top ten of the best Marvel comics toys from […]