
Lincoln Monsters in the 1976 Galoob Catalog

It wouldn’t be Halloween without me waxing poetic about my favourite monster toy line of all time, the Lincoln Monsters. This year I came across one of my absolute grails, in the form of finding the 1976 Galoob toys catalog. Although Galoob was later known for licensed items  and things such as Micro Machines, 1976 […]

Carded Space Sword

Not long after I finally reunited with my childhood fave, a kind soul passed along an ebay auction for this carded version of Space Sword. Something I probably haven’t seen or thought about since I was about seven years old. While I seem to also recall these being sold in bulk “dump bins” as a […]

Action Apeman from Australia

The AHI Action Apemen are one of my favourite knock off lines of all time because they’re just so flagrant. This carded example is easily one of the rarest because it’s the Australian version and it features a more articulated body and well, look at that card art, shiny! Get our book on Rack Toys […]

Sears Video Arcade

As a kid, I was pretty brand loyal to Atari, even getting into fisticuffs with an Intellivision fan once, which is pretty embarrassing to admit now. I bought my 2600 with my own money (from menial labour gigs no less) and even though this Sears knock off was a better deal, there was some stigma attached to it […]

Space Sword!

Nine years after first posting a want ad on here, I am finally reunited with my beloved Space Sword. This is all thanks to Mark from the soon to be open Dr Tongues I Had that shop in Portland Oregon.  Mark saw my plea and sold me his childhood space sword. The quest is over […]

1984 Remco Toys Catalog

By 1984, all of the toy lines Remco had called staples in the 1970s like utility belts and helicopters were long gone as the company dove  head first into the crowded marketplace of 1980s Action Figures Batman and Superman had been replaced by less known DC characters like Warlord and Sgt Rock, the company experimented […]

Mall Droid

Sean  (follow him on twitter) sent in this awesome shot of him and …..R7-D3? I’m not sure who that’s supposed to be, oh wait it’s R2-D2, says so right on the front. Wow, he looks different in person. I think I finally found a companion for this Chewbacca… Send me your vintage mall appearance photos! […]

More V figures from South America

My buddy Dana has uncovered more variants to the V figure that I showed here in April. Whoever made these, they created a lot of different variations and I especially love the one that looks like Diana in the middle.  Knock offs, just when I think I can’t love you more….