
The Amazing Stretch Monster Mural

I was forward these amazing shots from the offices of Bang Zoom Design who have employed toy artist extraordinary Johnathan Queen to create another fantastic Kenner toy tribute mural (Johnathan painted this one from downtown Cincinnati). Their choice of classic toy tribute, none other than my white whale, Kenner Stretch Monster! Mark my words, when […]

Original Man from Atlantis art for sale

This weekend a man reached out to me because he’s the owner of the original artwork/painting schematic that was used by the model makers during production/pre-production for the Man From Atlantis “Cetacean Sub”. “Man from Atlantis” was short lived but it left a mark on a lot of us Gen-X kids and possibly one of […]

Toy-Ventures 20- My Star Wars Collection

I thought I’d do something different and talk about my Star Wars collection, most people I know are surprised I have any SW stuff and well, I have a lot of rules about collecting this stuff that I almost always follow. Do you have collecting rules you follow? Let’s hear them in the comments section.

Toy-Ventures 7: Robot Man with Four Faces

This week’s installment of Toy-Ventures is all about the wonderful and weird Maskatron knock off from France called “Robot Man with Four Faces” one of the more blatant (and charming) rip-offs I’ve ever encountered as a collector.  Visit us online at  Twitter: @plaidstallions  Subscribe to our Youtube Channel:  New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt […]

Six Million Dollar Christmas

I can’t help but associate Lee Majors with Christmas, he was present at some really good ones! New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store! Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.


I had the remote control R2D2 as a kid, it stopped walking pretty quickly but it was still good to use with the 12″ dolls so I was content, also it still made it’s beeping noise much to mother’s chagrin. She once threatened to throw it out of the station wagon! We have a PodCast! […]

Exciting Toys from the Star Wars Series

This nice ad from Zayres (wish i had the whole flyer) is from Christmas 1983 and I’m guessing by that point, I had jumped off the wonderful train that was Star Wars.  I still read the Marvel comic mind you but I honestly don’t recognize or remember that mini-rig or the plush Ewoks at all. […]

Star Wars Action Favorites!

Even though I wasn’t really into Return of the Jedi as a kid, I did love that Kenner was still putting out the original 12 figures during that period. It was like running into old friends… We have a PodCast! It’s fun, please listen. Check out our Instagram for more stuff like this blog. Get the […]

Bionic Lady!

Oh Sure, Steve gets a rocket car and a space suit but Jamie gets pretty clothes and lounge chairs? Check out our Instagram Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.