
Bionic Tattoos

I had never heard of these before finding them on ebay last month, what a perfectly wonderful and logical idea. I’d have been all over this concept as a kid. As an added bonus, I’ve made one of the stickers printer size, so let’s all print it out and wear one to work today, come […]

The Empire Strikes Cleveland

JD who sent in that great Spider-Man picture from last week also sent this awesome Darth Vader appearance from 1980 at the Parmatown Mall, also in the Cleveland area. The store was either Higbees or May Company, he can’t remember. Just in case you don’t see it, there is something that sets this apart from […]

Trouble Patrol

I never had the Kenner Trouble Patrol but I sure remember the Comic Book ads for this, a rogue motor cycle cop who crashes through the bank and mows down the culprits. I don’t think you’d get away with this anymore. I also love that one of the robbers is wearing “Crook” on his shirt, […]

The Six Million Dollar Man Trading Card

It pretty much had to happen, Card #20 is the Six Million Dollar Man and for good reason. My own mother will tell me how she was almost trampled to death at a Zellers store trying to get me this guy for Christmas 1975, (she succeeded) One of the problems of working on this blog […]

The End of the line for the Bionic Man and Woman

1978 saw the end of Kenner’s wildly popular Six Million Dollar man line. Despite dwindling sales, Kenner revamped Steve with “Bio Sonic” power and gave him a new villain to fight in the form of the Venus Space Probe. So while Steve Austin might have been on his way out, he certainly went with a […]


This is one from the “toys we never got” file. Sometime in the late Seventies, toy make Funstuf proposed this combination of Stretch Armstrong and a Cylon. Sadly, it doesn’t look Septor ever materialized, which is probably good for Funstuf because Kenner sued the pants off Mego back in the day for their Elastic Superheroes. […]

Hardy Boys by Kenner

The 1977 ABC TV series made the then fifty year old characters of Joe and Frank Hardy into super styling studs of the late seventies. These teen heart throbs didn’t go unnoticed by the good people at Kenner (seeing as they had more than their fair share of success with another ABC series) and in […]

Tree Tots

I mocked this stuff plenty when it came out (as a seven year old boy would upon seeing an icky girl’s toy) but honestly I’ve always thought this set was really cool. Please don’t call me a sissy, I really couldn’t handle that right now….

Star Wars is Gone it’s Sales “Force” isn’t….

December 12, 1977- “Star Wars” is gone, but don’t think it’s forgotten. Though the movie closed out a 20-week run in Traverse City last week, sales of spinoff merchandise still are expected to run strong this Christmas gift-buying season. The “Star Wars” collector can startwith authorized editions of paperback books, comics, calendars and iron-on transfers […]