
Kenner Star Wars

It’s weird to think that there was a time where this page held 25% of all Star Wars merchandise in the world. This page is from a Shoprite catalog, this is where a lot of my toys came from as a kid. Check out the capeless (and very expensive)new character.

The Dark Side of the Doh

  While I’m happy Kenner married Star Wars with Play Doh and will agree that Hoth made an excellent choice, I am still completely bitter that I will never be able to make a Play Doh Lobot….

Pod Stallions Episode 25: The Empire Struck

It’s been nearly two years since we discussed all things Star Wars and what better time than when we all got teased with the further adventures of Luke Skywalker and crew. Episode 25 takes us back to that fateful summer when the most highly anticipated film of our lives (at the time, it’s been replaced […]

Pod Stallions Episode 24: Starlog

Our November podcast has Jason and Brian waxing nostalgic (which technically is our job) about the glory days of Starlog magazine. Starlog magazine was how both of us first cut our nerdy teeth, a wonderful window into the world of SF and fantasy that gave us that connection. It’s safe to say, this podcast owes […]

The Creature goes drag racing

I’ve spoken about the cool copy right infringing monster SSP vehicles that Kenner put out in the late 70s before but until now haven’t really ever seen one up close. Thanks to my buddy Matt, we can now see the “Gargoyle” or as anyone with eyes would refer to him as the Creature from the […]

PodStallions 21: Bionic Man-ia

It was bound to happen, episode 21 talks of the Six Million Dollar Man television series which slow motion ran across our television screens (and our collective hearts) during the Polyester decade. In this we discuss the series itself, the spin offs and the crazy/wonderful merchandise that made Christmas more memorable. We go through the […]

Star Wars Micro Collection Love

The Star Wars Micro Collection came out in 1982 and just as I had sort of kind of given up on the galaxy far, far away. I was 11 and being wooed by Star Trek reruns and the return of GI Joe (which was more of a passing fancy) but deep down I was sorely […]

Popy World Hero Figure Archive

The World Hero series was released in Japan in 1980, toy maker Popy had been distributing the 3 3/4″ Kenner Star Wars figure in cool display boxes as opposed to the cards the rest of the world received. Image Borrowed from Rebel Scum, they have a great article on Japanese Star Wars toys here. With […]

Vintage Toy Store Photos Volume 16

In an effort to combat the end of summer blues, I’ve dig deep to the days of Pegboard and regional toy stores to bring the 16th edition of our vintage toy stores feature. Installment 16 features old favorites such as the Bionic Woman and Six Million Dollar Man, Barbie, the Osmonds, Atari, Fisher Price, Mego […]