
5 Awesome Sci-Fi Things on eBay this week

! These links are sponsored and eBay requires me to tell you that. If you click on all of them, then I get one a “grit magazine” level prize. They make me say all of this.   Interchangables CEDM (Sponsored Link) After Mego closed down, Marty and Howie Abrams launched “Hour Toy” and used the […]

Pod Stallions: Doctor Who at 60

We’re not ones to dwell on the passage of time (and let’s face it, no one wants that shock to the system) but it IS hard to believe that it’s now been 60 years since two schoolteachers went to that junkyard for the trip of a lifetime, and Doctor Who began. Luckily, according to the […]

5 awesome things on Ebay

Planet of the Apes Target Set- It PAINS me to share this but I don’t have a hunnert bucks right now, stupid dental work for children *kicks dirt* Archer: Fugitive from the Empire Poster: I may be the only person who fondly remembers this busted TV pilot from 1981 but I guess they actually sold this […]

Pod Stallions Episode 26: The Retro Awards

We’re back and we’re launching our first episode of 2015 resurrecting the Retro Awards. For those not familiar with the Retro Awards, it’s a celebration of things that came out in the last year (for this show we’ve slid into 2013 a l’il bit) that we feel rocked a 70s vibe. Of course along the […]

War of the Daleks

TOTALLY TRUE STORY: When i was 15 years old I found a copy of this game at a “Toys and Wheels” store at the mall in Canada. I don’t know how it got there but this store used to buy a lot of close out stock like Action Jackson uniforms and the like so maybe […]