
1977 Janex Catalog

Anybody who grew in the 70s probably remembers the Janex line of products especially their talking alarm clocks which were a pretty big deal at the time. I for one coveted that Batman and Robin one but I hated waking up as a kid (still do) so I never asked for one. The addition of […]

1977 Azrak Hamway (AHI) Catalog

Another look into the wonderful world of Rack toys and one of it’s shining stars Azrak Hamway, who in the 1970s were the kings of fun, inexpensive licensed toys. 1977 was a pretty big year for Azrak Hamway Inc and they had all the hottest licenses including the superheroes from the house of both DC […]

To the Batmobile Larry!

Larry sent in this cool shot of him and Batman from a Columbus car show circa 1981. It’s weird but this is how I kind of picture Batman. I’d also like to know where Larry got that killer Flash T Shirt! I have more vintage shots of Larry from next week and it should come […]

1979 Corgi Jr Catalog

One of the biggest names when it comes to diecast cars in the world has to be Corgi and in the 1970s they were a licensing machine! If it was hot with kids and involved vehicles then it was likely a Corgi product. Everybody from Kojak to Batman to James Bond even the rebels from […]

Bat-Tastic Rack Toys

Some new additions to the AHI Batman gallery today, above is the Phaser ahem, Batman water pistol. This is a Canadian Card, many AHI items were carried by Grand Toys. The “L’il Zips” Batmobile looks like crazy fun for under a buck. I don’t understand why folks keep things mint in package but decide to […]

The Dynamic Duo?

Here’s Scott C with another shot from “Frogtown Frolics”, at Thompson Park in Colts Neck, NJ. This time it’s Batman and Robin and even though Scott admits they looked kinda bogus, it was still a big thrill to meet heroes in costume like this. It looks to me like the 36 year old “boy wonder” […]

Paint By Numbers Coolness

While a paint by numbers kit alone isn’t that exciting to kids, Hasbro amped up the cool with the licensing. I’d have trouble deciding today what to choose let alone as a five year old. I’d probably go with Star Trek but the idea of painting Aquaman is really tempting….

Shaking hands with the Boy Wonder

Cat sent in this “1970something” shot of him shaking hands with none other than Burt Ward in full Robin regalia at a Rockford Car Show. Ward still looks like he jumped out of 1966 here, so it really must have been to meet Robin live and in person like that. Send me your mall appearance […]

Bump N Go Caped Crusaders

I’m pretty sure I had this as a kid, mostly because of the disappointing weird, chubby Batman and Robin figures that are at the drivers seat. As a kid, if you couldn’t take the figures out of something, I had entirely no use for it. I was totally spoiled thanks to the good people at […]

Holy Marconi Batman

William Dozier should have gotten royalties for all the “holy” gags used in toy catalogs over the years. These 3-d Walkie Talkies are neat to display but I can’t imagine that they were much fun to use, I could see myself dropping them.