

I was elated this year to add another one of these oddball 70s pencil toppers to my collection. These things are totally copying the AHI Super Monsters but I’m not sure they’re licensed which makes them more appealing.  This year I found Frankenstein, which leaves only the Mummy and the awesome green Dracula to find. If […]

The 1975 Azrak Hamway Toy Catalog

In 1975, Azrak Hamway International (AHI) was a toy company on the move producing mainly, low cost rack toys bearing such hot licenses at the time such as Batman, Spider-Man, the Universal Monsters and Star Trek. It’s no surprise that the 1975 catalog is a real treasure trove for any 70s kids, there is so […]

Bendy Mummy meets the Bendy Wolfman

I’ve never blogged about these two, the jewels of my bendy collection, the Mummy (with card artwork swiped from the Aurora model) and the Wolfman! Not sure who this shirtless gentleman is but he’s no Lon Chaney Jr. Unless that money tree i planted blooms, this is the closest I’ll ever come to this lagoon […]

Squirtin’ Super Monsters

Over the years, I’ve waxed a good de about my desire to own these wonderful (and incredibly rare) creations by Azrak Hamway. Seeing them in their carded form (they were introduced in 1975, it seems) only exacerbates the issue. I’d love to own a carded Creature or Frankenstein one day but I am not sure […]

More Sky Diving Parachutists

  Ever since I mocked up a set of parachuting AHI Super Monsters last year, I’ve been kind of smitten and inspired to make more. I had a major spurt of creativity this summer and here is the result. Above is a Brick Mantooth Parachutist, this was inevitable and I’ll likely do a bunch of different […]

Toy War is Hell

I’m not 100% sure as to why I like the Remco Sgt Rock line so much, never had any as a kid, never really wanted them, not sure I’ve read a SGT Rock comic that didn’t feature Batman in it. My money is on the gorgeous Joe Kubert art that AHI/REMCO used throughout the line. […]

Battery Operate Batmobile

This is one of the earliest pieces of Bat merchandise that AHI ever made. One of the more interesting things about the company is you get to watch them go from creating original, crazy artwork for each toy to the less dynamic “style guide” approach of the early 1980s. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is […]


I’d be tempted to call this late 70s piece by AHI silly but I’m positive that this scene happened at least once on the old Bill Bixby show…. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid Stallions. Order from us and get three free promotional post […]

Super Goodies from Down Under

This fun spread of toys comes from a company called Croner who distributed toys in Australia, they carried Azrak Hamway toys in Australia and APC puzzles. It’s hard not to smile when you see stuff like this, especially considering they have Batman and Spider-Man’s launchers reversed. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page […]