
Mego Superheroes Display @ Alexanders in 1976

From the fall of 1976 comes this incredible display of Mego World’s Greatest Superheroes at Alexanders Department stores. This article boasts that Alexanders had more displays like this than any competitor. Above, you can see Mego Planet of the Apes Fortress Playsets. While a site like this is heaven for a Mego fan, it also […]

Mego Star Trek on display at Stern’s in 1976

  I recently found this awesome vintage Toy Store shot from Stern’s Department stores featuring a Mego Star Trek bridge display from 1976. If you look below, you can see stacks upon stacks of Mego World’s Greatest Superhero figures, I spy the boxes for Superman and the Incredible Hulk, but I can’t make out the […]

Kenner’s “Bionic Pink” wins awards

This article from 1976 is in celebration of Kenner winning packaging awards from two different associations for the Steve Scout and Six Million Dollar Man toy lines, respectively. With the Bionic Toylines, the colour pink was traditionally considered taboo in boy’s toys (as was black), but in doing this, Kenner stood apart in the action […]

Toy-Ventures: Big Jim P.A.C.K grail finds!

Toy-Ventures returns and celebrates the end of a 25-year quest for some of the rarest Mattel Big Jim P.A.C.K items. It’s a story with a few twists and turns! #toyventures #bigjim #toycollection Thanks to Mego Meet 2024 is August 16-17 in conjunction with Zolo-Con! Check out the original Big Jim P.A.C.K commercials […]

1976 Action Figure Explosion!

I got this catalogue just after Christmas, and I wanted to close the year with the single reason I had to have it. This glorious page of plastic joy.  I never saw this page as a kid, but wow, that’s how the inside of my brain looked when I was five.  This page, with it’s […]

Toy-Ventures: 1976 Child World Flyer- Space:1999, Mego and more

1976 Child World Flyer- Space:1999, Mego and more This week, Toy-Ventures looks at a flyer from the legendary toy store chain Child World. 1976 was a great year, and this is packed with toys from Space:1999, Mego, Six Million Dollar man, McDonaldland and Vincent Price shrinking heads! New to the channel? Subscribe! ► Toy-Ventures Magazine […]