1983 JC Adventures in Toy Land Catalog
Get Toy-Ventures Issue 2 now!

I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that Santa and Barbie has a close working relationship….
I have zero recollection of Charmkins, most likely because I was a pre-teen male at the time.
Unlike Charmkins, I remember “My Little Pony”, mostly because I’ve had it’s jingle in my head since 1983!
Space Lego truly was one of the most perfect toys in the universe, why have they not been reissued?
The Fisher Price Adventure people still got a little love in ’83.
Star Wars was still a big deal in ’83 but the finale of the trilogy signalled the end for action figure series as well.
It’s interesting to see how many toy concepts from this era are still widely available today.
Yo Joe! Another long running item from the 80s.
I’d like to see David Hasselhoff on that KITT bike.
I made a very organized pitch for the Vectrex system as a teen, I was shot down with great impunity.
PlaidStallions Toy-Ventures Magazine #2 is now available and it’s been called “not only an entertaining read, but it’s also an impeccable work of reference” by PopCult.
Pod Stallions is one of the most fun groups on Facebook.
Mego Knock Off Headquarters– The leading group discussing 70s dimestore goodness, we talk vintage toys, not others!
Hello, I am a He-Man publication archiver, I was wondering if it would be possible to purchase a copy of this jc Penney toy comic catalog. I hope to hear back from you.