
Imperial Toys Godzilla Merchandise Blitz Part 1

Imperial made the 1980s more fun by laying out some truly inspired Godzilla merchandise from the insane bubble blowing bong to the more logical PVC Godzilla.  I still have mine that I purchased 30 (sigh!) years back, it followed through every dorm room/crappy apartment and is still kicking!

Mego Mad Monsters Love

I adore the Mego Mad Monsters, it’s definitely in my top five all time Monster toy lines (which I’ll speak more about this month). While Mego didn’t get the Universal license, they created a really crazy series of generic Monster figures that even glow in the dark! Here’s Mego Dracula and the Mummy in their […]

Pressman Movie/TV “Monster Make Up”

It’s October and that means the Halloween content flows like fake blood around here.  To all of you who had this wonderful set as a kid, please let it be known I’m still a little envious of you. These kinds of items always intrigued me in the back of magazines and comics but I never […]

Flash Gordon Pistol by Lonestar

It should come as no surprise that this was submitted by my pal and podcast partner Jason Lenzi. According to him, this is the only toy that bears any connection to the movie. It’s pretty tenuous as the gun itself is a mix of parts from licensed products made for shows like “Captain Scarlet and the […]

The Humble Origins of Kenner Star Wars Part 2

Just a  follow up to last week’s post about the late start that Star Wars got toy wise. In the very same toy trade magazine that nonchalantly showcased the photo of Lucas meeting with Kenner execs had this impressive add from Ideal at the very front. Ideal invaded alright, the company worked very fast to […]

The Humble Origins of Kenner Star Wars

I’ve been digging around in vintage Toy Trade publications this past month and let me tell you, 1977 was not prepared for what hit it. Above is a piece from the summer of 1977 showing George Lucas and Gary Kurtz visiting Kenner, it’s pretty bland and certainly doesn’t give the impression that the whole game […]

Giant Sized Fisher Price Sesame Street Clubhouse

In1977, Fisher Price promoted the Little People Sesame Street Clubhouse by creating a gigantice model of it. The happy memories I had playing with this toy are only slightly shadowed by the original Sesame Street set by FP. I look at this thing and it cheers me up, always will. I need to know if this […]

Lords of Light Prototype Figure Found

I’m really happy to showcase this neat discovery of this lost Lords of Light toy. I’ve been smitten with these figures since the mid 1990s when I first found out this hidden treasure. A bit of a background on Lords of Light: After Mego Toys folded, a company known as PAC packaging (who light assembled […]