
Sonic Woman

I am pleased to reveal the latest update to our Tomland galleries, the copyright infringing superheroine herself, the Sonic Woman! Tomland was more well known for their Star Raiders and Famous of Monsters of Legend action figures, which both demonstrate how little they thought of paying for licenses. I’ve known about these particular figures for […]

PodStallions Episode 10: Glows in the Dark (Monster Toys)

Our second October episode, Jason and Brain try to cram in as many monster toys as they can into an hour and a half.  Aurora model kits, Marvel comics, action figures by Tomland, Remco and Lincoln International get discussed as does Cracked magazine, Power Records, the number of times we rented “LifeForce” on VHS (I’ve […]

Tomland Monsters Catalog

This picture from the 1980 Combex catalog is something I’ve been searching for years for, evidence of who distributed these darn things.   It’s kind of joyous to see the Creatures from Other Worlds mingling with the Star Raiders and Famous Monsters of Legend. Now I’ve just got to find the catalog from the next […]

More Mini Monsters

Since I originally posted about these little guys three years back, I haven’t added anything to the collection. In fact, I’m kind of the belief I may not be able to complete the set for the price I’m willing to pay. Fortunately, I have a pal in Bill, who has some of the characters I […]

Super Monsters paint kits

This Super Monsters set from Combex/Tomland pretty much nails everything that I like about Monster toys. The generic monsters combined with that all too awesome box artwork. While I’ve seen the boxed set surface (rarely) I’ve never seen the individual carded sets before. You never know with Tomland stuff though, they may surface.

Star Raiders Updates

It’s been over a year since I launched the Tomland Star Raiders gallery on the site and I’ve had some good luck with regards to new images and information thanks to some lovely people who like to share. For those not in the know, the Star Raiders were a brazen and rather kooky attempt to […]