
1979 Corgi Jr Catalog

One of the biggest names when it comes to diecast cars in the world has to be Corgi and in the 1970s they were a licensing machine! If it was hot with kids and involved vehicles then it was likely a Corgi product. Everybody from Kojak to Batman to James Bond even the rebels from […]

Gordy Toys wants you to play with “Hulk Putty”

Another player in the world of Rack Toys was Henry Gordy International, who specialized in somewhat generic impulse items with licensed appearance. Among their staples is my new favourite thing mostly because I’m immature: The “Ball Blaster” would indeed be an effective crime deterrent even Lex Luthor himself would think twice.The primary licenses used here […]

The Boy Wonder’s Bedroom

The red phone is of course, a direct link to Commissioner Gordon. I really believe that killer graphics like these bed sheets are the thing that brainwashed me into the deranged superhero junky i remain today. Damn you Licensing Corporation of America! Frightenstein Contest Winner! Congrats to James Powell for winning our “Save Frightenstein” contest […]

Peter Pan Records are great Toys!

This 1978 Toy Fair ad for Peter Pan (Power) Records, tells us what we already knew as kids, in that they were awesome but it also gives us a look at some of the store displays used to market them: Man, that display doesn’t miss anything, Star Trek, Superman even Planet of the Apes! I […]

1981 Azrak Hamway Catalog

The beginning of the end for the Rack Toy giant, while the company would continue and prosper for the rest of the decade, it would also eventually fold it’s toy division completely under the Remco Name. The 1981 AHI catalog almost looks like a lower cost copy of the 1981 Remco offerings, all the licenses […]

Super Spinner of Rack Toys

The stuff dreams are made of, a spinner packed to the gills full of rack toys by Henry Gordy inc. Imagine finding this in some long forgotten hardware store somehere. I’d fill my car with Superman Ball Blasters… I don’t get the Hulk handcuffs though unless he was kinda kinky.

The 1979 Ideal Summer Toys Catalog

Aw yeah, summer’s almost here and it’s time to take a peek into what Ideal Toys had in store for back yard fun with the 1979 Summer Time Catalog. Lots of pages of inflatable noveltys such as pools, air mattresses and water wings being modeled by some of the hottest moms ever to grace a […]


While I’ve seen Underoos in catalogs for years, it’s usually just showing the usual Batman and Spider-Man but here’s a rare occasion when they feature one of my favourites Aquaman and not only that but they’re snubbing the caped crusader! It’s crazy hard to find Aquaman merchandise in catalogs, as Rob from the Aquaman Shrine […]