
Super Skates

As weird as these are, I’ve got to admit I kind of love their design. If I had got these as a kid, the only in my size would be Wonder Woman and I would have bought them…. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator of Plaid […]

Super Scissors

Another one of those products where, once you detach them from the card, they have no real connection to the characters after. I do love the Batman card though, it looks like Robin is fed up with Batman’s need to run with them. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book […]

Podstallions 14: Filmation Part One

We’ve probably mentioned Filmation in every one of our shows (it’s our anniversary BTW, what did you get us?) so it’s no surprise that Jason and myself are huge fans of the legendary animation company. Episode one explore our earliest memories of Filmation and tries to relay the Saturday morning experience, look for a longer […]

Pod Stallions 5: Where are you coming from Spider-Man?

In this installment, Jason and Brain wax nostalgic over the days when we didn’t get spoiled by three Superhero movies a Summer. The time when Captain America had a van, Spider-Man was a Von Trap child and Sinestro used to open for Sinatra. “Where are you coming from Spider-Man” explores what a Superhero loving child […]

AHI Mysteries #3: Super Klobbers

Here’s another one I hope is real, Super Klobbers. Basically, they’re just Centsable Socker Boppers with Super Hero dressing. The kick of these is they seemed to have used classic stock art (including swipes from the Mego Superman box) and added boxing gloves to them. Look at that lovely Neal Adams Batman ready to go […]

Man of Spare Tire

This 1976 Toyfair appearance by “Superman” to promote his upcoming Duncan yo-yo features possibly the most disappointing man of steel I’ve ever seen. That guy looks like Ruben Kincaid, was Norman Fell dressed as Batman somewhere?

Super Belts

My buddy Steve sent me this great sales sheet for these awesome Superhero belt buckles I’m sure I saw in the Heroes World catalog when I was in short pants. It’s a wonderful pistache of mid 70s Superhero merchandise, the top tier from both houses are present. It’s kind of funny how these mention “boys […]