
Super Heroes by Croner

I found this catalog from Croner, an Australian toy distributor that carried alot of US items by companies like MPC and Azrak-Hamway International. Nothing that I haven’t seen before but it’s nice to end a week looking at stuff like this. That Captain America kite is particularly dreamy.

Spider-Man meets Kamen Rider V3

I’m packing up PlaidStallions HQ for an eventual move and this fluttered across my desk, it’s a Japanese post card for the Toei Spider-Man series and for some reason, they included Kamen Rider V3. I prize it dearly. I’ve had this card since highschool, it was gifted to me by fellow toy collector and friend […]

The Amazing Spider-Brush

 I’m totally fascinated with little bits of weird super hero merchandise like this.  Here we have the marriage of hair care and our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, whose mantra of putting his name on everything would put Garfield to shame. This is all the handiwork of the standard Pyroxoioid Corp. (sexy name!)   This set solves […]

Ideal Spider-Man Make up Kit

I have to applaud Ideal Toys for spinning the monster makeup kit concept to Superheroes and not just including Hulk and Spider-Man but the Thing as well as  being smart enough to include She-Hulk and Spider-Woman on the box.

The Amazing Spider-Watch

It doesn’t look like much but this would have been a proxy web shooter to me as a kid and probably gotten days of use until it fell apart….  Get our book on Rack Toys and other goodies at our online store Our toy wantlist