
Monster Vision

  I really like these things, as cheesy a concept as they are, they’re also a little disturbing. A pair of demonic faces where your eyes are supposed to be? Genius.   Check out our new website for our book, Rack Toys. 

Wolfman Flasher Faces

Behold the last Monster Rack Toy ever produced by AHI! Flasher Faces popped up five years after the  Monster merchandise bonanza of the mid seventies and while AHI was doing wonderful things with the license under their Remco brand, these flasher faces are the sole bit of cheap, dime store goodness produced during this period. […]

Prototype Creature from the Black Lagoon

I recently got a decent scan of this to ad to the Azrak Hamway Monster archive, it’s the mocked up Creature from the black lagoon figure on his looks to be hand drawn card. It’s hard to say what he’s constructed of, it almost looks like a converted Aurora Creature kit, either way I hope […]

Introduction to Horror

Really happy to be unveiling this today as it’s something I’ve been sitting on  for a few weeks. What you’re looking at is the intro to the Monster chapter of my  Rack Toys book. This was painted by the mad genius Matt “MonsterMatt” Patterson. I met Matt at one of my favourite summer time haunts, […]

Frankenstein Flipit

Ever since I saw these Flipit ads in the back of Gold Key comics in the late seventies, I’ve been intrigued by what they looked like. I’ve never seen them at shows in my travels so I finally sought one out through ebay for the mere purpose of satiating my curiousity. Being it’s Halloween, the […]

The Last Photo

The name is Bond, Elton Bond. I’m interupting the Halloween hijinx for a moment just to make a special announcement, this is the last photo I’ll take for my upcoming book, Rack Toys : Cheap, Crazed Playthings. While they don’t look like much, these Secret Service Sunglasses hold some special meaning to the whole thing. […]

Target : Monsters

I found this toy in the 1976 Larami catalog, I have no clue as to whether or not it was produced but it is something I will keep my eyes out for. It’s a pretty galling use of the Universal characters and I doubt it’s officially licensed in any way. That’s the joy that is […]

AHI Mysteries #3: Super Klobbers

Here’s another one I hope is real, Super Klobbers. Basically, they’re just Centsable Socker Boppers with Super Hero dressing. The kick of these is they seemed to have used classic stock art (including swipes from the Mego Superman box) and added boxing gloves to them. Look at that lovely Neal Adams Batman ready to go […]

Super 7 Find

  This “Manta and Moray” watch is my first find of merchandise from childhood favourite show “Tarzan and the Super 7”. Somebody actually offered this for sale at the Megomuseum forums where I’m known to be, so it was rather serendipitous It’s pretty well documented that DC comics felt Manta was a little too close […]

To the (Junior) Bat Boat!

Honestly I could write an entire book at Batman Rack Toys at this point, that bat logo is a license to print money. It’s amazing how much of it is inspired by the 1966 television series, this wonderful little item from AHI was created and released some 11 years after the TV series was cancelled. Check […]