
1975 Amsco Toy Catalog

Amsco was a division of Milton Bradley and during their tenure they made some really fun creative and memorable toys. 1975’s roster included Sesame Street, Classic Monsters, Planet of the Apes and even the Waltons in some unique items. Check out the 1975 Amsco Toy Catalog here.

Action Apeman from Australia

The AHI Action Apemen are one of my favourite knock off lines of all time because they’re just so flagrant. This carded example is easily one of the rarest because it’s the Australian version and it features a more articulated body and well, look at that card art, shiny! Get our book on Rack Toys […]

Pod Stallions Episode 30: Model Kits

This month sees us discussing the days of slapping paint everywhere and getting a l’il high off glue. Model kits has us discussing Aurora, Addar, MPC, fundimensions and many other kit manufacturers long gone. Subjects include Sweathogs, the Fonz, Planet of the Apes, Jaws, Doctor Who, Gerry Anderson, Universal Monsters, Dark Shadows, Star Trek and […]

Pod Stallions 29: Planet of the Apes 1

It’s been a long time coming, the first foray into what is the quintessential science fiction block buster of the early 1970s, the Planet of the Apes Phenom. Episode 1 deals with the first movie (we’re going to take our time with this) and brushes lightly on the actors, the makeup, the script, our man […]

Pod Stallions Episode 26: The Retro Awards

We’re back and we’re launching our first episode of 2015 resurrecting the Retro Awards. For those not familiar with the Retro Awards, it’s a celebration of things that came out in the last year (for this show we’ve slid into 2013 a l’il bit) that we feel rocked a 70s vibe. Of course along the […]

1976 Ben Cooper Halloween Catalog

Ben Cooper was the leading manufacturer of Halloween costumes and Novelties in the United States during the 1970s. This extensive 1976 catalog really demonstrates the power house licenses they had from the Universal Monsters and Mickey Mouse, the Superheroes of both Marvel and DC to TV sensations like the Six Million Dollar Man and the […]

Action Jackson on the Planet of the Apes

I’ve posted this photo on the MegoMuseum before but it needs to be put here because it’s awesome. Courtesy of Ken Abrams, I present Mego CEO dressed as Action Jackson atop the Mego Planet of the Apes parade float. The gentleman in the Ape costume is VP of Mego R&D Neal Kublan and the “human […]

Podstallions 18: The Apocalypse

Episode 18 takes us to those days when the future wasn’t looking so bright. If we didn’t blow each other up and get eaten by giant cockroaches, the environment would have us eating each other or even worse,  massacred by diapered men on horseback . The Apocalypse talks about the years of heady, “gloomy doomy” science […]

Forbidden Zone

While taping our upcoming Podcast about Apocalypse movies, I couldn’t help but bring up one of the weirder but fonder memories of my childhood. Behold the Forbidden Zone Trap, my favourite Mego play set of all time. I wanted this so bad as a kid it hurt, which is weird because it’s basically a city […]

1975 Pied Pier Toy Catalog

I’ve never heard of Pied Piper Stores, not surprising, as I didn’t grow up in California in the 1970s. No doubt they were one of the many “Mom and Pop” toy store chains that at one magical time dotted our landscape. One thing i do know is that Pied Piper stores had a pretty grasp […]