
Santa Putty

Ever wonder what makes Santa tick? Wonder no more, rip ol’ Saint Nick apart and spend hours playing with his magical (possibly delicious but definitely non toxic, so dig in!) guts.

Nerd Therapy Session: X-Ray Blechs

X-Ray Blechs This one takes place during my family’s one memorable trip to Florida in 1977 (referenced already in this tale) and my first experience with feeling totally ripped off. It’s an “I’m still kicking myself” experience and it’s  after the jump. So let me preface by saying that, I was the kid who religiously filled […]

Mantique : A new name for terror

How does one market some of the oddest, unflattering ensembles ever put to thread? By giving them the worst, slightly homoerotic name ever. Feast your eyes ladies and gents on someone looking to get fired. Seriously, this would be a good time to close up shop here at PS, I’ve discovered attrocities for six years […]

The headache that keeps on giving

Behold the Hurdy Gurdy machine for children. Speaking as a father, I can honestly say that other than a megaphone I can’t imagine a less neccesary toy for a child to have. Seriously, I would choose the “beercan helmet”, complete with two Pabsts over this thing.

Nerd Therapy Session: Starch of Maize

This one goes back  to 1977, a spendy new toy, the burning curiousity to know what’s inside and the misery that’s always certain to follow. More after the jump….. Kenner’s Stretch Armstrong took the world by storm in 1977. Well, that’s how I remember it anyway, seeing as I was six at the time, that […]

The Black Hole Breakfast

This should almost be a Nerd Therapy Session but I’m so nostalgic for this time, that I can’t throw it under that bus. You see, when the Disney Sci Fi epic “The Black Hole” came out, I was that kid who thought it better than Star Wars, it just struck a nerve with me. Most likely […]

Canada’s Superhero

Finally some evidence of this shirt featuring Canada’s Superhero, Captain Canuck. I’ve honestly been searching for an image I could use for the blog as it’s almost a Nerd Therapy Session in itself. True story, a kid in  my fourth grade class had this shirt, he was one of the cooler boys so I brought in an issue […]

Nerd Therapy Session: Towel Redemption

tio This one takes place in 1977 and involves vacationing, towels, a slightly embarrassing confession and I guess an overall  reluctance to grow up. Go figure on the last one…. More after the jump: On Christmas morning 1977, my parents woke me up at 4am and threw me (and my newly acquired Oscar Goldman doll plus […]

Nerd Therapy Session: Crushed

This week’s guest submission (keep ’em coming folks!) comes to us from Kirk AKA “Donkey Hoatie” on the Mego Museum message boards. It’s a tale I think we all can relate to and that is your first crush on somebody and how it rarely goes well. The other night, my wife and I were talking […]