
Nerd Therapy Sessions: Aurora Barfealis

This tale takes me to 1976  and it’s a tale of Superheroes, long boring car rides and toy loss. More after the jump, warning to the first three rows, you will get wet… The set up to this story is that my Dad was a self employed “rack jobber” to the convenience stores across Ontario. […]

Nerd Therapy Session: The tale of the Ghostly Tiger

This week’s NTS is our first guest submission, which is fantastic because I could use a breather from baring my nerdy soul. Thomas shares an awesome tale of Halloween humiliation, something near and dear to my heart. Thomas is a Buffalo area kid, seeing as I grew up in Southern Ontario and force fed nothing but WKBW and […]

Nerd Therapy Session: Full Frontal

Warning: this one may or may not contain nudity.It’s still the summer of 1977, I am six years old and having a pretty great time despite the “No TV” clause mandated by my parents. My previously mentioned best friend Neil lived two doors down and was always up for something (he was often described as […]

Nerd Therapy Sessions: Peeping Toms

This one takes place in the summer of 1977, which I only remember as being a happy one. My universe at the time was a fairly quiet street in the suburbs of Toronto. It was a pretty unassuming day until my best friend Neil broke some pretty big news to me, tonight on Six Million […]

Nerd Therapy Session: (Super) Girl Trouble

For this installment, I’ll be skipping back to the mid 1970s, which is pretty appropriate considering this blog. Like many of you, I grew up in what was a golden age of action figures, the Mego era. We 70s kids had an amazing breadth of licensed characters and they were mostly all in the same […]

Nerd Therapy Session: So-Dumb Warrior

First off, thank you for the incredibly kind response to last week’s entry. It’s extremely comforting to know I was not alone because that would have been pretty terrible. My next tale of nerd-woe jumps me to 1986, I had started drifting away from collecting comic books and jumped into collectibles, specifically sci fi based toys. Actually, it […]

Nerd Therapy Session: Adventures in Cosplay

In order to flex my (somewhat scrawny) writing muscles and perhaps to deal with some pain, I’ve decided to start posting little essays about some of my more embarrassing moments in my life that I can completely blame on my nerdy obsessions. I wasn’t exactly Miles Davis as a kid, so the well runs deep folks. […]

Paging Wayne Rogers

My pal Steve found me this and I wanted to hug him. This toy makes total sense, I mean what kid didn’t have a Pernell Roberts poster on their bedroom walls back in 1981? That Halloween they were all out of Gonzo Gates costumes so I had to settle for Yoda. Passing up on the Trapper John action […]

Kojak Harbor Patrol

Another classic “who gives a crap” Rack Toy from Hamony, the makers of this pile of “hunh?” . Harmony is quickly becoming my favourite Rack Toy company mostly because everything I’ve seen from them seems to smack of little to no thought. I’m sure Kojak had some episodes that featured both boats and helicopters but nothing […]