
5 Awesome Rack Toys on eBay this week

Five Awesome Things on eBay this week- All Rack Toy edition with Charlie Chan, Spiders, Scooby Doo, bootleg Shogun Warriors and George Freaking Kennedy!   Disclaimer: This article contains sponsored eBay links. George Kennedy Blue Knight Rack Toy (sponsored eBay link) – If you’re a Plaid Stallions regular, you may know about my fascination with […]

Knock-Offs: Fashion Dolls:1999

  I have a couple of these Knock-Off German fashion dolls with overstock clothes from other toys, my favourite being the Denys Fisher Tom Baker Doctor Who. This one had me at Space:1999 as she is rocking the Mattel Doctor Victor Bergman top but following up with plaid pants. Space:1999 would have run longer if […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- bootleg Charlie’s Angels, rare GI Joe, Whitman 3 packs, Krofft Supershow and weird Scooby Doo rack toys! Statement: these links are both sponsored and covered with cooties. Knock-Off Charlie’s Angels outfits (affiliate link) – I had no idea such things existed until this week, I have to share […]

FairlandToy 1983: GI Joe KO Dynaman!

  This is an ad for Hong Kong toy maker FairToy International. FairToy International makes various dolls, including one that strongly resembles Barter Toys  Dynaman. Dynaman is one of the more prolific (and fuzziest) GI Joe Knockoffs and ran under different names. He also made history by being the basis for the “Gay Bob” doll […]

Toy-Ventures: Invasion of the Space Knock-Offs

Toy-Ventures: Invasion of the Space Knock-Offs   Space Apes! Star Warriors! Galaxy Maidens! Toy-Ventures returns with a long-overdue look at recent knock-off action figure pickups based on Mego Star Trek, Planet of the Apes, Moon McDare, and numerous space vixens. #Mego #startrek #knockoffs   Click Here for past installments of 5 Awesome Things on eBay […]

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap!

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap! Toy-Ventures returns to cover our biggest event of the year, Mego Meet, held at Zolo Con in Warminster, PA. This was a true blast of vintage, modern, and Custom Mego action figures. I hope you’ll check out this incredible feast of vintage toys! Mike Zolotorow, Krista Schmidt and […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Super Jrs, Dick Tracy, Marvel Heroes, Bootleg “V” and Sherlock Hemlock (4 real this week!) (This post contains sponsored links AKA I get a tuppence guv’ner! *clicks heels*) Bootleg pistol from V (sponsored link) — I can’t tell you how much I want this, it’s going for exactly […]

Toy-Ventures : Top 5 Coolest Star Wars items @ 4th Moon Toys

  Toy-Ventures visits Toronto’s newest Vintage shop, 4th Moon Toys. This store is devoted purely to Star Wars memorabilia, and its location is a part of Canadian toy history! You’ll have a good feeling about this magical shop. Visit 4th Moon Toys Website: #kenner #toyventures #starwars Mego Meet 2024 is August 16-17 in conjunction […]