Luke Skywalker, Ugnaught, Lobot & More!
From August 1981, a lovely assortment of figures mainly from Empire Strikes Back. I was ten and had all of these guys, which seems so funny considering they’re almost all background characters…
From August 1981, a lovely assortment of figures mainly from Empire Strikes Back. I was ten and had all of these guys, which seems so funny considering they’re almost all background characters…
Another newspaper line illustrated gem, this one from Osco. I never had the Star Destroyer Playset but recently discovered some collectors I know have this weird hate on for it. Was it a disappointing toy?
It was around this time as a kid that I realized that I could never, ever “Collect Them All” when it came to Star Wars. Not that I had everything made leading up to this point but there was probably some child like naivete that I could catch up somehow. Fortunately for me, I was […]
I think this ad nicely captures the moment in time where my personal lust for all things Star Wars reached a pinnacle. As a kid I had all but two (never got a 12 inch Vader or R2) of the items pictured here. All of them got ruined not by neglect but by constant play.
So instead of Leia, this ad features slave General Madine, the most boring Kenner figure ever IMO (and the last figure I ever purchased, talk about going out with a whimper.) Even Jabba seems to be yawning.
This piece literally fell out of a drawer this morning, I find it wonderful that some kid kept this clipping for 30 years until it landed on my desk. For More Kenner Indiana Jones stuff, check out this page.
The idea of Halloween style masks being marketed all year long is a wise one to me. I would have been all over this UK display.
This is where i tapped out as a kid, 48 action figures was too much to “Collect ’em all” and I remember taking a hard line with Cloud Car pilot (I already had a Bespin guard). I may have been the exception but I really got into Black Hole and Star Trek TMP figures at […]
Being a toy collector, I am very drawn to “Catalog Exclusive” items even if i don’t actually collect the line. This Ward’s exclusive set for Kenner’s Steve Scout is new to me, anybody have one in the box? I’d be curious to see it. More Steve Scout.
From the October 1977 of a Toy Industry magazine. And behold, in the very same issue! Ulp! 1978 Ideal Toys S.T.A.R Team Catalog
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