V Visitor Pistol by Coibel Spain
V Visitor Pistol by Coibel Spain

V Visitor Pistol
I am a passionate fan of the NBC mini-series and resulting television series “V.” While my wife and I rewatch it often, we don’t have a large collection of V items; I have just a tiny handful of toys, mostly bootlegs, a couple of comics, novels, and a UK annual.

V VIsitor Television series pistol
However, when I saw this SpanishVistior Pistol Justin AKA @robeastscorpius had for sale, I jumped on it without thinking. I just had to have it.
It’s an officially licensed item, a modified police cap gun with the distinctive Vistor look. Marc Singer is not only on the card but it also comes with a cool patch of Mike Donavan. Diana’s appearance would be the only thing that would make this better, but we can’t have everything.

V VIsitor Pistol
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