
1976 Ben Cooper Halloween Catalog

Ben Cooper was the leading manufacturer of Halloween costumes and Novelties in the United States during the 1970s. This extensive 1976 catalog really demonstrates the power house licenses they had from the Universal Monsters and Mickey Mouse, the Superheroes of both Marvel and DC to TV sensations like the Six Million Dollar Man and the […]


I was elated this year to add another one of these oddball 70s pencil toppers to my collection. These things are totally copying the AHI Super Monsters but I’m not sure they’re licensed which makes them more appealing.  This year I found Frankenstein, which leaves only the Mummy and the awesome green Dracula to find. If […]

The 1975 Azrak Hamway Toy Catalog

In 1975, Azrak Hamway International (AHI) was a toy company on the move producing mainly, low cost rack toys bearing such hot licenses at the time such as Batman, Spider-Man, the Universal Monsters and Star Trek. It’s no surprise that the 1975 catalog is a real treasure trove for any 70s kids, there is so […]

Squirtin’ Super Monsters

Over the years, I’ve waxed a good de about my desire to own these wonderful (and incredibly rare) creations by Azrak Hamway. Seeing them in their carded form (they were introduced in 1975, it seems) only exacerbates the issue. I’d love to own a carded Creature or Frankenstein one day but I am not sure […]

Countdown to Halloween

Well, it’s my favourite time of year, the annual Halloween countdown.  Being a monster kid and overall creepy adult, this is my time to shine. Expect some creepy content to start filtering in sometime next week. Until then, enjoy some of the best masks 1976 had to offer, seriously if I had to choose just […]

Chez Frankenstein

Aw yeah more 70s Frankenstein submissions! This one is from Seth who met the monster outside the House of Frankenstein wax museum in Lake George, NY the summer of 1977. I’ve always wanted to visit the House of Frankenstein, which is still in operation and opens next week. Thanks to Seth for the awesome photo. […]

Pod Stallions Episode 9: Monster Kids

October brings out the best in us as both Jason and myself appear to be “Autumns”. More importantly, October serves as a countdown to Halloween and brings with it all sorts of memories of monsters and horror. Throughout this episode we explore our first experiences with the genre, what publications were most helpful and what […]

Parachuting Super Monsters!

What better way to kick off a month of Halloween related updates  than to showcase this amazing AHI toy rarity I discovered. It’s rack toy monster madness and it’s all after the jump! OK I apologize for anybody fooled by that (terrible) photoshop job, this is not a real vintage toy discovery of any kind. […]

Lincoln Monster Mystery

I’ve been been pretty much under the assumption that I’d seen it all when it came to Lincoln Monsters. Well, that fell apart this weekend when I got this photo emailed me to me. These are the four perfect as the day they were made Monster figures shrunk wrapped to a card. To me, it […]

Revenge of the Lincoln Monsters!

Life is strange, if you had asked me 30 days ago if there was going to be a Lincoln Monster update in the Halloween blog posts this year, I’d have answered no.  Truth was, there wasn’t much by the way of things to update. Then all hell broke loose and I’ve got more than I […]