
Mego Marvel Disney 4-Pack Review: Mint Off Card

Mint off Card Returns with a look at the first of many waves Mego Marvel figures. How do they stack up against the originals? You decide in our latest look. Toy-Ventures is our magazine; we’re an independent publisher trying to bring back print toy magazines; if you would like to support us, please check out […]

1975 Diener Toys Catalog

Diener industries made school supplies fun with figural erasers and pencil toppers, they were toys you could sneak into school. If you take a look at this catalog, you will find something you forgot you had as a kid.     Collectible erasers were the one thing a kid could sneak into School without fear […]

Toy-Ventures: 80s toy find!

   My friend dropped off a box of his childhood toys, so let’s take a look through this awesome time capsule of childhood friends! PlaidStallions Toy-Ventures Magazine #2 is now available and it’s been called “not only an entertaining read, but it’s also an impeccable work of reference” by PopCult. FACEBOOK GROUPS FROM PLAIDSTALLIONS […]

Show ‘N Tell: Phono-Viewer

A record player that shows images? Man, this is a game changer unfortunately the VCR was a bigger one. New Six Million Dollar Man Shirt in our Redbubble store! Don’t forget to join our new facebook group. Get the expanded digital edition of Rack Toys here.

Game Night

This would be a hard choice for but I’d go with Captain Nemo, submarines and sharks top haunted houses but just barely….

Show ‘N” Tell

Gabriel’s Show N Tell came out when I was ten years old, so I’m not surprised I didn’t notice it back then, I was all about action figures at that point. A really novel approach to the “Book and Record” format I loved, I can’t imagine it had a long life at retail with affordable […]

From Mickey Mouse to Star Wars

Wow, that title is prophetic ain’t it? The Mouse almost owns the whole page now. There is no greater image I’ll see today than that home brewed Chewbacca illustration. I miss the “Pre-Style Guide” world. PS- I know I’ve featured this before but a) it was nearly a decade ago and b) some things are […]

Winnie the Weeble

While working on the Little People list, I came across this piece and really had no idea it existed. I never had weebles as a kid but as a Winnie the Pooh fan, this would have been welcome.