
5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Bert and Ernie, Silly Swords, Japanese Superman and Spider-man, Spaceketeers and Six Million Dollar Man’s threads. ( legalese: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated) Japanese Superman figure (eBay Affiliate Link) –– I believe the word for such an item is “Keshi,” which means […]

Pod Stallions Episode 114 Trick or Treat Grab Bag.

  Anyone who knows the Pod Stallions boys knows our love of Halloween borders on the obsessive. In fact, it’s so strong that one single topic isn’t enough for our final Halloween episode. So this one’s a Trick R Treat Grab Bag of sugary, monster-loving goodness. Movies, costumes, candy and heck, even the weather get […]

Vintage Halloween Pics Round up

At the beginning of October I put out the call for your vintage Halloween costume photos and brother, did you respond with your wood paneled goodness like this photo from Jason above. To be honest, putting them all together became a daunting task, however, that’s a good problem to have. An incredible vintage costume explosion […]

Les Super Heros!

This catalog page from France is like every other thought i had when i was eight. Nowadays I sadly think a lot about sandwiches more than Shogun Warriors….

Da Grail! Da Grail!

I managed to track down a major Halloween costume grail this past weekend and while it’s certainly not the most expensive or most desired suit on my want list, it sure is a personal  favourite. More on this after the jump! This past weekend I attended the Chicago Toy show (full photo albums can be […]

1968 Collegville Costumes Catalog

It’s Halloween season and that means a shiny new costume catalog from one of my favourite companies in the entire world, Collegeville! This year we go waaaaay back to 1968 and check out what was hot for kid’s costumes that year. Leading the charge is Doctor Doolittle but in his wake are such familiar characters […]

Collegeville’s TV assortment

I love this assortment from 1969, the majority of these characters would end up on costumes for decades. Promotion for these was done on TV spots but not in the usual manner but through participation with the myriad of local kid’s shows that peppered the landscape at the time.  Here are a couple of photos: […]

Seeking Vintage Halloween Photos!

Ah, It’s my favourite time of year again and like always I’d like to put out the call for your vintage Halloween photos, show me me your store bought and home made costumes from the times of orange and brown. Send them on in to Kid70s*at* (replace the at with an @ of course) or load […]

1986 Ben Cooper Costume Catalog

It wouldn’t be Halloween without at least one costume catalog on PlaidStallions and I’m thrilled to be showcasing this rarity from 1986. It’s pretty hard to find an 80s property that isn’t represented here, I mean seriously this thing is chock full of cartoon and toy characters. Check out the 1986 Ben Cooper Catalog here! […]