
Cool Collections: Sammy

I got a cool Halloween Treat this week froim my pal Sammy from the Mego forum, he was kind enough to get into the Spooky spirit by sharing his collection of Aurora Monster kits and AHI Super Monsters. Both of these are like kryptonite to me, so check out all the fun after the jump: […]

Super Monsters on Sale

Time to dig through the vault and see some real Monster bargains when it comes to the many, many monster action figure lines we were treated to in the 1970s. Above is a great ad featuring the Azrak Hamway World Famous Super Monsters. As you can see they are mingled in with the Mego Super […]

1977 Azrak Hamway (AHI) Catalog

Another look into the wonderful world of Rack toys and one of it’s shining stars Azrak Hamway, who in the 1970s were the kings of fun, inexpensive licensed toys. 1977 was a pretty big year for Azrak Hamway Inc and they had all the hottest licenses including the superheroes from the house of both DC […]

Welcome Back?

I’m always amused/horrified at some of the leaps that manufacturers took to capitilize on “Sweathog mania” in the mid seventies. Much of this stuff was on clearance until the early 1990s until it became collectible and washed up at toyshows all of a sudden. Take into consideration this desk set created by Azrak Hamway (AHI) […]

She’s Got No Water Captain!

The above Enterprise water pistol pretty much epitomizes why I love rack toys in the first place. The first thing is it’s fragility, there was no way these things should have survived a trip to the car let alone being kept mint in package for 35 years. The other is, well, look at this thing, […]

Son of AHI Monsters

A few more variations added to the Azrak Hamway Monster Toy Galleries, cataloging these seems to be kind of endless, which I kind of liks.Above is another one of these end of the line cupped hand versions, this time it’s of Frankenstein. I think it’s funny these versions come wearing cleats, I guess Franky just […]

Bat-Tastic Rack Toys

Some new additions to the AHI Batman gallery today, above is the Phaser ahem, Batman water pistol. This is a Canadian Card, many AHI items were carried by Grand Toys. The “L’il Zips” Batmobile looks like crazy fun for under a buck. I don’t understand why folks keep things mint in package but decide to […]

More Azrak Hamway Monsters

Some great new variation figures added to the AHI Monster Gallery today, cataloging these is a bigger chore than I imagined, below we have wrist jointed Dracula:Man he looks pissed that someone stole his shoes! These jointed wrist versions are the closest things to Mego, but for some reason they all have the Wolfman’s hairy […]

Toys & Games by Variety Product Sales

I had an epic day last Wednesday, what I thought would be a boring trip to a storage unit turned out to be an amazing discovery! When I found the records and remnants of my father’s 1970s toy distribution business including these funky signs he used to use. I have been looking for one of […]

RC Super Heroes

Captain America never gets enough toy love IMO. These RC cars were an uncharacteristicly higher price point item from AHI and while the Spider-Man car was around for a couple of years, I can only find evidence of Cap being offered in 1980 thus far. I’ve never seen a boxed Captain America Car either.