
Mexican Parachuting Robin

I actually don’t have  a carded AHI Parachuting Robin but I was fortunate to find the Mexican version produced by Uni-Plast. Due to import laws in the 1970s, a lot of fun American toys were produced under licence in Mexico resulting fun variations like this.  To be honest, I kind of like this more. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed […]

1975 Remco Toys Catalog

Cool catalog feature today, perhaps the earliest example from the second life of Remco Toys, a company that went under in 1972 but was reborn by Azrak Hamway International for what would be a long and fruitful life creating some very memorable toys. This document shows the company in it’s infancy, show casing such licenses […]

Swimming Senses Tingling!

Spidey used to be cool before he sold out man. Rarely discussed here but Rack Toy manufacturer AHI had a second life as a manufacturer of pool related novelties, one of these days I’ll pull up one of the catalogs. Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings is a limited edition 144 page book from the creator […]

Spotlight: Dr Shocker’s Vault of Horror

Today’s spotlight is the fun DVD Dr Shocker’s Vault of Horror, released this past fall, it is something I’ve been meaning to talk about for some time. If you like monsters and monster toys, you need to check this out after the jump. One of the nicer people I’ve gotten to know in this journey […]

Space:1999 Stun Guns R Fun

  I think the Space:1999 stun gun is one of the most iconic Sci-Fi weapons ever created. As a kid, I used a Staple gun until I nabbed the AHI water gun pictured above, it’s the most screen accurate toy produced in the 1970s IMO. AHI had a year of Star Trek sales under their […]

The Superhero Shop

This ad piece for Licensing Corporation of America, really brings me joy. This photo meant to highlight how good an idea licensing the DC comics heroes is full of 70s eye candy from Mego, Remco and AHI. It’s also the least believable toy store set ever, that’s clearly the LCA showroom with some dude from […]

AHI Creature!

Up until last summer, I was pretty much done with collecting AHI figures, completely talking myself out of the one figure that I (and my site) needed, a carded AHI Creature. This mostly because they’re always so pricey, I mean “both kids need braces” pricey. So I just kept the idea that if the opportunity […]

PodStallions Episode 10: Glows in the Dark (Monster Toys)

Our second October episode, Jason and Brain try to cram in as many monster toys as they can into an hour and a half.  Aurora model kits, Marvel comics, action figures by Tomland, Remco and Lincoln International get discussed as does Cracked magazine, Power Records, the number of times we rented “LifeForce” on VHS (I’ve […]

Franken Squirt

I’ve always wanted one of these AHI squirt guns, but they’re so rare and desirable that I could never come close. The other thing that held me back was paying a beefy sum for a squirt gun. I don’t know why that should bother me but it did. Fortune smiled on me and I managed […]

Parachuting Super Monsters!

What better way to kick off a month of Halloween related updates  than to showcase this amazing AHI toy rarity I discovered. It’s rack toy monster madness and it’s all after the jump! OK I apologize for anybody fooled by that (terrible) photoshop job, this is not a real vintage toy discovery of any kind. […]