
Mattel MegaForce Toy Catalog from 1982

  MegaForce was poised to be the action blockbuster of 1982. The 20 million dollar Chinese/American co-production had an impressive marketing budget which wisely targeted kids with it’s sci-fi military stunt show of a movie. It also easily found licensors; on paper, this looked like a slam dunk. The only problem was that people eventually […]

V Visitor Pistol by Coibel Spain

V Visitor Pistol by Coibel Spain I am a passionate fan of the NBC mini-series and resulting television series “V.” While my wife and I rewatch it often, we don’t have a large collection of V items; I have just a tiny handful of toys, mostly bootlegs, a couple of comics, novels, and a UK […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

Happy Friday fellow window shoppers! 5 Awesome Things on eBay this week- Borgnine Stamps, Giant Scorpions, Wonder Woman, The Hulk, Archie and LOOK INTO MY EYES BROTHER MAN! (this post contains sponsored links, it pays a lot less than stripping. Even for me.) Wonder Woman Mitts (affiliate link) — Wonder Woman merchandise will always remind […]

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week, Frightenstein, Charlie’s Angels, Filmation Superboy, GI Joe’s greatest foe and Fred Dryer is HUNTER! (These links are sponsored and I get a small bag of coins thrown at me by a sneering nobleman on horseback.) Custom Igor from Hilarious House of Frightenstein (affiliate Link) I had to put […]

5 Awesome Sci-Fi Things on eBay this week

! These links are sponsored and eBay requires me to tell you that. If you click on all of them, then I get one a “grit magazine” level prize. They make me say all of this.   Interchangables CEDM (Sponsored Link) After Mego closed down, Marty and Howie Abrams launched “Hour Toy” and used the […]

Toy-Ventures: The Saga of Tonka’s STEEL MONSTERS

In honour of the release of Furiosa, Toy-Ventures looks at the most excellent 1980s Post-Apocalyptic Toy Line: Tonka’s Steel Monsters. It was all things “Mad Max” except for the name. How did such a gorgeous toy line fail? What didn’t get made? We get the scoop from the creators. #toyventures #tonka #MadMax   Get Issue […]

Mego Love Boat Playset (Vintage Mego)

  Vintage Mego is exciting and new. Climb aboard the Mego Love Boat Playset; we’re expecting you! Hear about the adventures I’ve had while bringing this episode to you. This special episode comes from a smoke-free home!     Get Issue 12 of Toy-Ventures shipping this week! Click Here for past installments of 5 Awesome […]