
1975 Mattel Heroes in Action Catalog

 During a time when many toy companies were shying aware from realistic military toys thanks mostly to the Vietnam conflict, Mattel toys launched Heroes in Action.  Heroes in Action was a very early attempt at the 3 3/4″ figure market made popular by the Fisher Price Adventure people and later Star Wars, it’s crew comprised […]

Little Big Man On Motorway Patrol

My pal Dom from Vintage Toyz and Collectibles sent in this new addition to our Palitoy Little Big Man gallery and it’s quite a big deal. This is due to the fact that before now, most LBM collectors thought it didn’t exist. It’s not everyday a toy never thought to be produced surfaces, it’s even crazier […]

The Top Ten Coolest 70s Marvel Comics Toys

The 1970s was an absolute windfall of Marvel comics merchandise, the house of ideas sold out and we were better off for it. By 1976, the Marvel comics license was shared with dozens of toy manufacturers all vying for our parents hard earned money.  Here are top ten of the best Marvel comics toys from […]

Bat Plane Memories

New to the AHI Batman Rack Toys Gallery is this fun little plane which in 1976, caused my grandmother much duress. As a kid, I was often baby sat by her on Saturdays while she worked in her store, this usually meant a trip to Woolco and a cheap “shut up toy” of this ilk. Upon buying this very toy, I […]

1975 Kenner Six Million Dollar Man Catalog

In 1975 Kenner Toys grabbed the license to a popular ABC TV series and found themselves with one of the hottest toys of Christmas 1975! Seriously, my mom recalls almost being trampled at the local Kresges when moms lined up to get their limited supply of these. The line’s beginnings were humble however Kenner put […]

Batman and Joker race to the death

Time to take an indepth look at one of the more premium products made by Azrak Hamway, this time it’s the Batman Road Race set. Normally, AHI stuck to low cost rack toys and released the higer priced items through their Remco brand but occasionally they’d do a higher price point item like this road race […]

1975 Imperial Toys Catalog

When discussing Rack Toys, Imperial Toy has to come up, they were and still are kings of the industry. One of their formulas for success was to not invest heavily in licenses but create their own brands. It really did work as many of us had happy childhoos playing with Poopatroopers, Kooky Spooks and assorted […]

LJN Toys for 1975

Founded in 1970 by Jack Friedman, LJN was one of the 1970s more successful toy companies, offering a mix of nicely made licensed products and some lower cost “house brand” items. 1975 saw the company in full swing with hot TV licenses such as “The Rookies” and “Emergency!” as well as Petite, their attempt to […]

I get to be Paul Lynde

While it’s cool that this catalog page from Ideal shows not only Paul Lynde but Norman Fell himself, the home game loses marks for not having celebrity names. Unless I’m mistaken and there was an actor named “Tim Type” who was known for being outrageous.