Cool Collections: Sammy

I got a cool Halloween Treat this week froim my pal Sammy from the Mego forum, he was kind enough to get into the Spooky spirit by sharing his collection of Aurora Monster kits and AHI Super Monsters. Both of these are like kryptonite to me, so check out all the fun after the jump:

Aw yeah Monsters representing, Sammy is a man after my own heart especially when it comes to the variations. He has a few I don’t own here, awesome.

Nothing quite beats classic Aurora love.

The elusive Aurora Witch kit is flanked by not one but two Creechs.

I don’t know why so many of the AHI cards are found cut like that, why preserve something if you’re going to crop the top?

Thanks Sammy for the fantastic tour, I’m jealous! Look for more fun Halloween Flashbacks all weekend as I wrap the contest and showcase some of the cool thing you all have sent me!
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