Sesame Street Swag
Found this neat picture in a catalogue recently, just a cool spread of Child Guidance Sesame Street toys mingled with the “original cast”. That unknown dude in the middle? That’s some sort of “Build a Muppet” that CG was selling at the time. Expect another Sesame Street Week this May, it’s long overdue.Links of interest: 1977 Fisher Price Catalog
I used to love those finger puppets.. And the build-a-muppet was brilliant.
I had the Bert and Ernie dolls (with closed mouths, though) and the Grover finger puppet.
We had one of those ‘full size’ Grover muppets. He had a hard life. Played with by EVERYONE (six of us cousins) for years. Toddlers hugged and drooled on him, older kids flung him around the pool (where he’d float, creepy and corpse-like) and dogs grabbed him to initiate chases around the yard.
Good times, good times.
I love that picture – it looks like Bert just showed up “with Pizzas for everyone!”
“Yay Bert!”
I love this picture, it is so old school i still have the bert, ernie, roosevelt franklin,cookie monster, oscar the grouch and big bird they're awesome!!!