Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap!

Toy-Ventures: Mego Meet @ ZoloCon Recap!

Toy-Ventures returns to cover our biggest event of the year, Mego Meet, held at Zolo Con in Warminster, PA. This was a true blast of vintage, modern, and Custom Mego action figures. I hope you’ll check out this incredible feast of vintage toys!

Mike Zolotorow, Krista Schmidt and the entire Zolo-Con Family.
Jason Scheiermeyer of White Elephant Toyz
Paul “Dr. Mego” Clarke of Mego Corporation.
Scott Brown -Cool Retro Pop
Kevin Fiore, Scott Fiore and the entire Fiore clan.
Frank Wojo of Absolutely Retro
Todd @Tiny Plastic Men
Paul Wasson
John Coe Creations
Mark Huckabone from Heroes Online
Brent Sorensen of Brentzdollz
Vin Carnabuci (and family) from Vin’s Universe.
Seth Buckely from Seth Buckley’s Toyland
Mike “MegoZilla” Jimenez
Amber Zombie and Stitch
Steve Stovall from Super Joe Unlimited

And to all of you who attended Mego Meet and contributed to the spirit intended. You put the “Meet” in “Mego Meet,” and it was a true pleasure to get to know you.


Click Here for past installments of 5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week

5 Awesome Things on eBay this week


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The Super Collector Newsletter covers Mego and so much more PlaidStallions

The Super Collector Newsletter combines all the news from Mego Museum and Plaid Stallions and a lot of other fun stuff across the Interwebs. It’s got customs, new action figures, vintage finds and a lot of pop culture. Sign Up Here!

We co-produced this amazing action figure with White Elephant Toyz; it’s an 8″ Mego Style Officially Licensed Tura Satana figure with a beautiful box by Joeseph Linsner! Get yours while supplies last.

Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book

Knock Offs; Totally Unauthorized Action Figures the book Megolike

Knock-Offs Totally Unauthorized Action figures is from the demented mind that brought you “Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings” and features hundreds of hilarious, charming, copyright infringing toys. Get a signed copy in our shop! 5 Awesome

Facebook Groups we enjoy

The official FB group for PlaidStallions, Megolike come for the conversation, stay for the chill vibe. Remember, you keep the glass.

The official FB group for PlaidStallions, come for the conversation, stay for the chill vibe. Remember, you keep the glass


. Megolike Knock Off Head Quarters is better than the ABUSIVE divorced dad energy of other groups

Mego Knock Off Headquarters is a group created to discuss Bootleg toys and customs. Totally chill vibe for fans of Tomland, Lincoln International, Mego and AHI. It’s a super fun group, join Mego-KO-HQ!

zolocon, micronauts, customego, custom mego, knock offs, lincoln monsters, AHI, Mego Corp, Dr Mego, Absolutely retro, Planet of the Apes, NECA, tiny plastic men, Cipsa, Big Jim, Kid Acero, mego museum, Mego collectors, Zolo con, BASA, foreign mego, Lincoln International, Absolutely Retro, Toy-Ventures, Plaidstallions, Denys Fisher, Noctun, Space:1999, Star Trek, Micronauts, Custom Mego, Custom Action Figures, Membros, Zolo World, He-Man, toy shows, toy collector, Toy Ventures Magazine, Dracula, Horror,

About The Author

AKA Brian Heiler author of "Rack Toys: Cheap, Crazed Playthings" and co-editor of "Toy-Ventures Magazine". Co-Host of the "Pod Stallions" podcast. Host of the Brick Mantooth Youtube channel, painter, designer, writer, mental health advocate, toy collector, Mego, and Mego Knock-Off enthusiast. I have large feet, ADHD and I live in Canada. Talk toys, not others.

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