
Old School Decks

These look a lot like “V” brand skateboards that my dad sold during the late 70s, I still have my childhood one under my desk as I write this. Sadly, my skateboarding antics came to a very bloody conclusion in 1989…


I’ve never seen or heard of “plazman” before, it looks like somebody’s way of competing with the wonderful Micronauts line of toys. I figured somebody had this as a kid and it’s been driving them crazy ever since, so here it is who ever you are…

LJN Toys for 1975

Founded in 1970 by Jack Friedman, LJN was one of the 1970s more successful toy companies, offering a mix of nicely made licensed products and some lower cost “house brand” items. 1975 saw the company in full swing with hot TV licenses such as “The Rookies” and “Emergency!” as well as Petite, their attempt to […]


I must admit, as goofy as Marzon is, I think he’s really swell. I’ve seen more walking inflatables like the Hulk and Dracula, if anybody has photos please send them on down…

1982 Gabriel Legend of the Lone Ranger Catalog

The big budget film “Legend of the Lone Ranger” saw a triumphant return to the license by toy company Gabriel (who had made some pretty epic Long Ranger toys in the 1970s). While the movie was a big disappointment, Gabriel once again brought their “A Game” and made some kicking toys and action figures for […]

Refreshment Time

It’s hard to believe in this day and age of apple slices at McDonalds that there was a time when you give a child a cotton candy machine or even more interesting a Pie Maker as a gift. Mind you, I shouldn’t be trusted with a pie maker as an adult either….

One Step Closer to Mantoothedness

From the “I wasn’t kidding” department:  I should have probably mentioned that two months ago the packaging for the Brick Mantooth dolls arrived from China. Around February I gave some money to this guy I know, after two months of no communication, more money was requested. This all seemed to be leading down the path of tears but in June I […]

I get to be Paul Lynde

While it’s cool that this catalog page from Ideal shows not only Paul Lynde but Norman Fell himself, the home game loses marks for not having celebrity names. Unless I’m mistaken and there was an actor named “Tim Type” who was known for being outrageous.