
Dear Santa…

I was perusinga bunch of vintage toy ads this week and thought it would be fun to do as an adult toy nerd what I did as a wee nerd, cut out the toys I want and create a wish list. So here are three things I wish were under the tree so I would, um, not […]

International Bionic People

From the UK I bring you James Austin and Stevie Sommers, the “Don’t Sue Us” Bionic couple. These unlicensed wonders were created by Tomland, a company that seemed to get it’s kicks from knocking off Star Wars and other films. Their Star Raiders and Famous Monsters line are a both a child’s and a lawyer’s dream. […]

1977 Western Auto Toy Catalog

Christmas is that magical time when stores that don’t normally carry toys start selling them in a big way. In my neck of the woods it was Canadian Tire but for many of you in the states Western Auto was the unlikely source of fun. Known year round for Auto parts and fire arms, Western […]

Dinky Space

This ad is from 1978, I find it funny that kids were playing with ships from Gerry Anderson’s (IMO amazing) UFO series a good seven years after it was cancelled. Those Eagles were also more fun than should be humanly allowed.

Bionic Advertising

Recently found these smoking trade ads for Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman toys and had to share. I’ve shrunk them down for the blog but you can click on them to see a larger view. A close up of the drool worthy display of Bionic Man outfits. More Bionic Goodness

1980 Ideal Team America Catalog

By the late 1970s, Ideal Toys had a bit of a problem on their hands. Even though Evel Knievel had fallen out of favour with the public, their stunt cycle toy was still a viable product. The only logical choice was to rebrand the toy, their first attempt was in 1978 with Scare Cycles, a […]

1975 Big Jim Catalog

Exit sportsman, enter Super Spy In 1975, things had started to wind down for the good natured adventures of sportsman Big Jim and his crew. A hasty insert to the toyfair catalog this year gives the first traces of the P.A.C.K and the direction that Big Jim would take for the remainder of his shelf life […]

Friction fun from AHI

Some fun additions to the AHI Rack Toys section today and it’s all about friction pull back motors combined with licensing (of course). Above is a “spin out” Spider Car, it’s amazing just how many different vehicles our famous web slinger got. This is the friction motorized Space:1999 moon car in Canadian packaging. It’s amazing […]