
Gypsies, Tramps and Mego

You know here and in my other life at the MegoMuseum, I’ve often ignored the Cher toy line which is odd because a) She was huge in the 1970s and b)Cher was a huge freaking deal for Mego. It’s a glaring oversight seeing as I’ve never known a world without Cher and I promise to […]

Mom Vs Monster

Muppet John sent in some toy love with this classic shot of his mom grappling with his Stretch Monster on what looks like Christmas morn. Stretch Monster should know better than to mess with Mom, no toy can defeat her! Thanks John!

1981 Fisher Price Adventure People Catalog

After blasting on the scene and creating the 3 3/4″ revolution six years earlier, the Fisher Price Adventure people were still going strong in a Science Fiction crazed world. While still focusing on earth bound fun like camping and driving race cars, the Adventure People were also looking to the stars in 1981 with the […]

Remote Controlled Extermination

Oh how I would have enjoyed such a toy as a lad. Doctor Who was on twice a week at 7:30 growing up and it had a big effect on me (having limited channels as a boy, I was pretty much spoon fed BBC shows via TVO) but the lack of merchandise was always disappointing […]

1982 Knickerbocker World of Annie Catalog

Annie was a film based on the hit 1977 broadway musical which in itself was based on the classic syndicated comic strip “Little Orphan Annie”. Thankfully the movie didn’t remove everyone’s pupils for authenticity. The film was expected to be a blockbuster smash and companies such as Knickerbocker hedged their bets by preparing a slew […]

Summer’s Here!

Who wants a Snow Cone? I’m firing up Frosty, sure the flavours are over 35 years old but I’m sure they’re fine for human consumption. C’mon who’s first?

1978 Mattel Codename: Galactica Catalog

Several months before it’s TV Debut Mattel Toys debuted their merchandise based on the upcoming series titled “Code Name: Galactica” which we all would come to know as “Battlestar Galactica”. 20th Century Fox would promptly ligitate the makers of Galactica for copyright infringement but the one thing that Galactica had over Star Wars was the […]

Sclemeel, Schlemazel, what the &%*$ is this?

A real good example of the “What the?” nature of rack toys, this set depicts Laverne and Shirely, two brewery workers as secretarys but also has some scale issues. Is this for dolls? Then why the gigantic calculator and pencil? if it’s a role play item what’s with the tiny, useless book case,  I’m getting a […]

1983 JC Adventures in Toy Land Catalog

Another fun trip down memory lane courtesy of the JC Penney toy flier. The Penney Flier always kind of went a step up normal advertising and this 1983 brochure looks more like a cool comic book than an advertisement. 1983 is a great example to have thanks to the metric ton of iconic 80s toys […]

Alan M was a fool

A life long Josie and the Pussycats fan, one of my earliest crushes was that of Alexandria Cabot, white streaked hair and bitchy attitudes have always enchanted me.