
A world beyond fantasy

Hmmm, seems kind of smack dab in the middle of fantasy if you ask me. While toys like Manglors, Crystar and The Other World probably likely bring back fond memories for many of you,  for me, they kind of have a bittersweet appeal. I was teetering on being a teenager at this point in time and when toys […]

Hoppity Hops for 1980

Sun Products  doesn’t exactly ring a lot of bells for for many but I think everybody remembers the Hoppity Hop. Originally devised in Italy in the late 1960s (where it was known as the “Space Hopper”), Sun dubbed it the Hoppity Hop when it was introduced in 1971 to North Americans and the name really […]

Sea Devils 71

The Mattel Sea Devils made so few catalog appearances in their all too brief run in the early 1970s that it’s important to point them out. I never had a Sea Devil growing up as I wasn’t two by the time the line was cancelled, I would have been ALL OVER this line though. My […]

Raggedy Camping

It’s a little known fact that raggedy Anne and Andy were avid outdoor enthuiasts, that is until a pack of wolves literally took the stuffing out of Andy…

Mini Monsters Mystery Solved

For years, these PVC figures I dubbed “The Mini Monsters” by Tomland, had been the source of intrigue to collectors. They’d ask questions like What does the packaging look like? How many in the series? These would all be answered in one fell swoop when a salesman sample appeared on ebay, I was not the lucky […]

Denys Fisher Cyborg

Not enough props can go out to what I think is the UK’s better kept secrets, originally a Japanese line called “Henshin Cyborg”, the clever monkeys at Denys Fisher took it, made it smaller and added a keen back story. I didn’t grow up in the UK, had no inkling it existed when I was […]

Turtleneck and martini not included

Spy kits like this (check out the international currency, that’s attention to detail!) seem to be a forgotten art. As a kid, I had one that included a t pack of cigarettes that fired bullets, I don’t even know where to begin on that one. This one is pretty amazing with it’s gun with silencer […]

Mattel’s The Archies

Click the link to see a larger picture After Marx introduced a series of Archie Action figures in 1975, Mattel took a kick at it in 1978 with these been bag versions that used the same construction as their then popular ‘Honey Hill Bunch” line of toys. I have to say that the Mattel sculpts […]

Hanging at Kool Stuff

This past Saturday, I got to spend a day at one of my favourite haunts Kool Stuff Toys in Hamilton. Jeff the owner was gracious enough to let me set up a small photo studio and take photos for my upcoming book “Rack Toys”. This not only filled some gaps I had but also gave […]